Category: In the Spotlight

In the Spotlight

Proposed Amendments to WJA 2012 Charter & By-Laws


Dear WJA Members,

On behalf of the Board of Governors we are glad to announce that, from the Board Meeting held on January 24, 2018, the proposal to Amend the WJA 2012 Charter & By-Laws (below) was approved. This project was presented last year by President Dr. Franklin Hoet, as his vision to enhance and revitalize the operations of the association through decentralization. The drafting counted with the support, ideas, and advice of several active WJA members and an external DC Attorney specialized in NGOs, so as to adapt our regulations to the current related DC & US laws.

During the Board Meeting, the Final Draft of the Amendments for the 2012 Charter & By-Laws was approved by the unanimity (8/8) of Members of the Board attending and/or being represented there. Only one member of the Board could not attend the meeting, perhaps owing the time difference (China). The approval, hence, exceeded the minimum of 66% votes required by the current Charter & By-Laws. It is worth mentioning that only one (01) vote from President & Past President Dr. Franklin Hoet Linares and only one (01) vote from Executive Vice President & General Counsel Garry E. Hunter were taken in consideration, even though they both held two positions within the Board.

Therefore, and following all the procedure established for amending and/or repealing the WJA Charter & By-Laws, we enclosed on an email on January 26, 2018 the approved project and the corresponding ballot to all members entitled to vote. As per the current regulations, the Amendments Draft most be published and distributed to all members in good standing at least ninety (90) days before the vote is tallied. Unfortunately, owing internet connection problems, we could not upload the document on the website the same day it was sent to those members entitled by the WJA 2012 Charter & By-Laws to vote.

We requested members entitled to vote to, after carefully reviewing the Amendments proposed, return their ballot as soon as possible, and no later than April 26, 2018. The final vote will be tallied on April 26, 2018, and a majority of all votes cast will determine the decision to adopt these amendments. As of January 24, 2018, the number of members in good standing was sixty-two (62). Therefore, the majority required for this process will be thirty-one (31) plus one (1), meaning thirty-two (32) votes. Given the case, once this amount of approving votes is received, the Charter & By-laws will take immediate effect.

Ballots enclosed in the email sent to the membership in good standing should be exclusively returned to the WJA Executive Vice-President & General Counsel, Dr. Garry E. Hunter, at:  or Fax +1 740 592 53 90

Only one ballot per member in good standing as per January 24, 2018 will be counted. Duplicates will not be accepted.

Had you recieved the aforementioned email, we are looking forward to your active involvement in this revitalization process.

Finally, we would like to extend you all an invitation to participate at the WJA Conference “IP – Protection and Trademark Rights: International Discussion with the Aim of a Worldwide Exchange” to be held in Munich, Germany on May 3-4, 2018.


Kind regards,

Garry E. Hunter 

Executive Vice President & General Counsel


Yachenka Rodríguez V.

Executive Director

WJA Charter and By Laws – Proposed Amendments 2018 – Final Version to Membership


2017 – 2019 Board of Governors | Elections Committee Decision

Dear WJA members,

Following the WJA Board of Governors election held on November 2, 2017 during the Closing Day of the Biennial Congress held in Aruba, the Election Committee has pronnounced its decision regarding the grievances presented by Ms. Kim Quarles, candidate running for the Presidency of our organisation.

According to the Election Committee decision, the WJA 2017-2019 Board of Governors will be integrated by:

  • President – Franklin Hoet-Linares (Venezuela)
  • 1st Vice President – Tao Kaiyuan (People’s Republic of China)
  • 2nd Vice President – Zayed Alshamsi (United Arab Emirates)
  • 3rd Vice President – Glendeline Croes (Aruba)
  • World Association of Judges – Peter N.C. Umeadi (Nigeria)
  • World Association of Lawyers – Jacinto Soler Padró (Spain)
  • World Association of Law Professors – Alberto Jurado Salazar (Venezuela)
  • Association of Business Associates – Alexander Löw (Germany)

WJA congratulates all the new members of the Board of Governors and appreciates the work done by the Election Committee.


Read here the full text of the Election Committee Decision

National Assembly prepares law to confiscate the fortunes of Chavismo

Some of the largest fortunes in the world are held by Chavistas, judging by the amounts involved. Opposition calculations placed at about $ 300.000 billion foreign funds Venezuelan origin who are outside, hidden in labyrinths of shell corporations and open bank accounts in tax havens.

Continue reading “National Assembly prepares law to confiscate the fortunes of Chavismo”