Welcome, Euro Latam Lex members

As part of the World Jurist Association plan to expand its membership around the world, members of Euro Latam Lex have been invited to join our association.

EURO LATAM LEX is a network of independent law firms from Europe and Latin America. Each firm excelling in its own jurisdiction and providing top tier legal and business services, which make them excellent partners for the World Jurist Association.

The WJA and Euro Latam Lex have previously cooparetated in the organization of events. First, during Euro Latam Lex’s first international Congress in October 2016, entitled Civic Capitalism: Towards a new Relationship with the Investors. Later, during the World Law Congress Madrid 2019, where Euro Latam Lex fully organized two panels along with International Financial Litigation Network that were sponsored by international law firm Herbet Smith Freehills

The WJA welcomes its new members!