Tag: Madrid

COP25 in Madrid: Dialogues on Law and Climate Emergency

Law as a tool for citizens to fight against climate change

The World Jurist Association and the World Law Foundation organized the ‘Dialogues on Law and Climate Emergency’ on the occasion of the 25º UN Climate Summit. On December 4 & 5, 2019, experts in environmental and energy law analyzed how law can serve society in its fight against climate change.

The first meeting was held at the Green Zone of the UN Climate Summit COP25 in IFEMA. It was led by Javier Cremades, president of the organizing institutions, who said that law is the instrument that society has to face the challenge of climate change. In this regard, Cremades affirmed that “without law we can make little progress and that is why we need the commitment of the whole society, both the fiscal effort and the sense of corporate responsibility, in order to direct the future towards an energy transition that leads us to clean and sustainable energies that make decarbonization a tangible goal”.

Marina Serrano, Of-Coursel of Pérez Llorca, also highlighted the role of jurists in this area. She assured that “they serve society and citizens and, therefore, the environment.” And, in the words of Javier De Cendra Larragán, Dean of IE Law School and Member of the Health and Safety Committee of the International Bar Association, ”climate change has unleashed a cultural debate that requires an adequate framework and regulatory stability for technological development ”.

For Pilar Navarro, partner of Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo Sevilla and former Secretary General of Environment and Climate Change of the Junta de Andalucía, the solution to this problem lies “in regulatory stability, in the multilateral investment court and the application of law global administrative ”. And Navarro hopes to reach an environmental pact “to ensure that the planet will be available and sustainable for the next generations”.  To achieve this, she pointed out that “digitalization and technology, combined with the law, will be the horse on which this new transition to a decarbonized and sustainable world is galloping.”

The second day of Dialogues on Law and Climate Emergency, which took place at the headquarters of the news magazine Cambio16, featured Javier Cremades as moderator of the discussion in which Carlos de Miguel, partner of the Environment Department of Uría Menéndez, pointed out the need to establish “a consensus of price and legal security signals”, in addition to “a greater involvement of the public”, since “there is citizen and business awareness, but perhaps it is lower by the public bodies”.

Isabel Coleto, Co-Founder of Talantia and Professor at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, analyzed the industrial situation with respect to pollution, and indicated that zero waste is possible in business facilities thanks to the investments that are being made, but has not forgotten about small and medium-sized businesses, “so important in Spain as they cannot keep up with the environmental requirements that in recent years have proliferated so much in our country and that imply some insecurity for the end that can wait for them”. And is that “SMEs can barely meet the requirements of the regulator and there is an inconsistency between regulation and industrial reality.”

WJA Special Meeting of Members

On October 14, 2019, members in good standing of the World Jurist Association gathered in Madrid for a Special Meeting. Requested by more than 10% of the members in good standing on July 12, 2019, the Board of Directors was proposed to immediately convene a Special Meeting of Members with following Agenda:

  1. Welcome speech addressed by the WJA Worldwide President Javier Cremades and outline of the main strategies of his mandate.
  2. Restructuring of the Board of Directors: Appointments and Removals.
  3. Question-and-answer session.

Following the procedure established in the WJA By-Laws, a Special Meeting of Members was summoned by WJA Worldwide President Javier Cremades, to be held in Madrid, on October 14, 2019, at the HQs of the international law firm Herbert Smith Freehills.

The meeting was attended by members in Good Standing as of July 15, from different countries, in order to take the decisions required to facilitate functioning of the World Jurist Association and to discuss further activities to improve its positive impact on society.

In summary, and after the voting of the General Assembly, the Action Plan 2019-2021 of the WJA Worldwide President was approved, the steps for restructuring the Board of Directors were approved, and new Officers, Presidents and Representatives were designated and appointed as follows:

Congratulations to the newly appointed officials!

WJA Madrid Congress – Save the Date!


In February 2019, Madrid will become the capital of the International Legal World during the celebration of the 26th WJA Biennial Congress. The program will focus on Globality & Current Challenges to Democracy, offering a holistic view of the great issues that concern humanity, on which the jurist world must respond. Matters that converge with the objectives of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations, and the achievement of peace and prosperity through sustainable development.

In special, this Congress will represent a milestone for the WJA, as the World Peace & Liberty Award will be presented for the first time. The awarded personality is of the highest interest in Spain, a representative of unwavering commitment to the Rule of Law and the defense of Democracy and Freedom.

The Program of the Congress will integrate the vision of notorious International and Spanish jurists, companies and institutions that support the progress of humanity, and coexistence in democracy and freedom. Keynote Speakers and Panelists already confirmed include Former Prime Ministers, high representatives of the UN, OAS, EU and other relevant international entities, Chief Justices from different Supreme Courts, and prominent legal academics, among other prestigious jurists from around the globe.

Save the date for this Grand Biennial Congress!

Further information and opening of registrations will begin in November 2018. Would you have any quieries, please, do not hesitate to contact our Executive Director, Yacky Rodríguez at wjadirector@gmail.com

Would you like to learn more about our fantastic next location? Visit Madrid’s Official Tourist Website

Looking forward to meeting you in Madrid!



Franklin Hoet Linares – WJA Worldwide President


The World Jurist Award presented to Dr. Javier Cremades


Madrid, March 8, 2018 | The lawyer and founder of the Cremades & Calvo Sotelo office, Javier Cremades, received yesterday from the president of the World Jurists Association (WJA), the Venezuelan Franklin Hoet, the ‘World Jurist Award’ for his professional work.

The event was chaired by the Minister of Justice, Rafael Catalá, and was held at the German Embassy for the links of the winner with this country as a young man he studied the doctorate at the University of Regensburg. Cremades becomes the fourth Spanish lawyer to obtain this WJA distinction since its creation in 1963, after Joaquín Garrigues, Antonio Garrigues and Juan Manuel Fanjul succeeded.

The German ambassador, Peter Tempel, highlighted the fact that he is an “incombustible promoter” of the defense of freedom of expression in the media, while the president of the WJA stressed that he promotes “the value of Rule of Law” together with the protection of Human Rights.

Cremades wanted to thank for an “unexpected” award that, in his opinion, it owes to the team of lawyers who work in his firm and to his maxim of serving people above all. “We are not with cases, but with people”, he said.

According to his point of view, we must fight against the abuses of power, “which tends to perpetuate and corrupt”, as well as against the disaffection of the system propagated by populist parties. Therefore, asked to be “very careful” with those who ask to “reinvent” the constitutional system or defend pro-independence causes in Catalonia under the premise that “freedom is above rights, something totally false”.

In the act they were former ministers like Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, César Antonio Molina or Eduardo Serra; the president of Repsol, Antonio Brufau; former judges of the Constitutional Court like Manuel Aragón or Álvaro Rodríguez Bereijo; former Ibero-American secretary general, Enrique Iglesias; the former mayor of Caracas, Antonio Ledezma; or journalists Pedro Ruiz and Isabel Gemio.


Written by Antonio Rodríguez | The Diplomat in Spain

Main Photo by Benito Guerrero | Cambio 16

Photos by Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo


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