Tag: Lawyers

The President of the Constitutional Court of Spain chaired meeting of the Spanish legal profession for the World Law Congress 2021

>> The meeting was attended by the Minister of Justice of Spain, the Colombian Ambassador to Spain, the former president and current judge of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Eduardo Ferrer, and the 50 most important law firms with presence in Spain

The Madrid Bar Association (ICAM) hosted a lunch with representatives of legal institutions and law firms convened by the World Jurist Association (WJA). During such, the program of the Opening Session Bogotá-Madrid of the World Law Congress Colombia 2021 was presented, which will be held during July 5 and 6 in Madrid. This lunch was attended by the President of the Constitutional Court of Spain, Juan José González Rivas, the Minister of Justice of Spain, Juan Carlos Campo, the Colombian Ambassador to Spain, Luis Guillermo Plata, the judge of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Eduardo Ferrer Mac-Gregor, the president of the General Council of Spanish Lawyers, Victoria Ortega, the dean of ICAM, José María Alonso, and the vice president of the Mutual Fund for Lawyers, Joaquín García-Romanillos.

During the opening speech, José María Alonso acknowledged that the hosting of this event is “a joint project to promote the Spanish and Ibero-American legal world beyond our borders.” The Dean pointed out the importance of “being aware of our potential and to act in unison.” In this sense, he welcomed initiatives such as those of the World Jurist Association, “which has the objective of reinforcing and enlarging our presence in the world, as well as being a collective, supportive and inclusive project.”

For his part, Javier Cremades, president of the WJA, underlined the association’s special defense of the rule of law and explained that in the world “there are profound processes of distortion and falsification of the rule of law within our democracies; alerts that exist in many countries and show that the rule of law must be taken care of so that more and more people take shelter under it”, recalling “the need for life to occur under the rule of the law ”.

Let us remember that the World Law Congress brings together prestigious presidents of courts, magistrates, government officials, academics, lawyers, students and legal professionals from around the world, who discuss defense issues of the rule of law as a warrantor of freedom. The last edition, held in Madrid in 2019, brought together more than 2,000 jurists, a framework in which the WJA awarded King Felipe VI with the World Peace & Liberty Award.

The next edition of the World Law Congress, which will be held in Colombia, on December 2 and 3, 2021, has held Opening Sessions from different cities around the world over the course of a year, with the Opening Session Bogotá-Madrid being the most powerful of all, as an allegory to the delivery of the witness from one country to the other.

Ambassador Luis Guillermo Plata expressed the suitability of holding the Congress at a time like the one Colombia is going through. He highlighted the values ​​promoted by this event and the message it conveys, since “Colombia is a country where we must talk about freedom, democracy and rights, but all within the framework of the law.”

The Minister of Justice of Spain, who participated in the inauguration of the opening sessions in Barcelona in July 2020, congratulated the World Jurist Association for having references from the international legal sphere, and has recognized that this event “represents an extraordinary opportunity to strengthen international legal cooperation”.

For his part, the president of the Constitutional Court of Spain expressed his wish that the celebration of the Opening Session Bogotá-Madrid and the congress in Colombia “be moments of deepening on the values ​​of the rule of law.”

Eduardo Ferrer Mac-Gregor, Judge of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Trustee of the World Law Foundation and member of its Organizing Committee, presented the content of the Opening Session Bogotá-Madrid program. On July 5, he highlighted the holding of an unprecedented panel discussion on gender equality and the rule of law, made up by presidents and judges of the world’s most important supranational courts, who will meet for the first time in history. Similarly, tribute will be paid to the recently deceased Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the last recipient of the World Peace & Liberty Award in 2020, and the Ruth Bader Ginsburg Medals of Honor. Ginsburg of the WJA to the world’s leading women jurists will be presented in her honor.

For its part, on July 6 there will be a summit of presidents of the supreme and constitutional courts of Europe and the Americas, which will also have presidents of different institutions related to the Judiciary and the presidents of the bars of the Mexican legal profession, with aim to discuss the rule of law.

Al finalizar el acto se entregaron placas conmemorativas a José María Alonso , Decano del ICAM, Luis de Carlos , Patrono de la World Law Foundation y Presidente de Uría Menéndez, Pedro Pérez Llorca ¸ Socio Director de Pérez-Llorca, Carlos Rueda , Socio Director de Gómez-Acebo y Pombo, y Fernando Bautista , Socio Director de Bautista & Asociados. Un reconocimiento a su permanente y necesaria colaboración con el éxito del World Law Congress Madrid 2019.

WJA Madrid Congress – Save the Date!


In February 2019, Madrid will become the capital of the International Legal World during the celebration of the 26th WJA Biennial Congress. The program will focus on Globality & Current Challenges to Democracy, offering a holistic view of the great issues that concern humanity, on which the jurist world must respond. Matters that converge with the objectives of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations, and the achievement of peace and prosperity through sustainable development.

In special, this Congress will represent a milestone for the WJA, as the World Peace & Liberty Award will be presented for the first time. The awarded personality is of the highest interest in Spain, a representative of unwavering commitment to the Rule of Law and the defense of Democracy and Freedom.

The Program of the Congress will integrate the vision of notorious International and Spanish jurists, companies and institutions that support the progress of humanity, and coexistence in democracy and freedom. Keynote Speakers and Panelists already confirmed include Former Prime Ministers, high representatives of the UN, OAS, EU and other relevant international entities, Chief Justices from different Supreme Courts, and prominent legal academics, among other prestigious jurists from around the globe.

Save the date for this Grand Biennial Congress!

Further information and opening of registrations will begin in November 2018. Would you have any quieries, please, do not hesitate to contact our Executive Director, Yacky Rodríguez at wjadirector@gmail.com

Would you like to learn more about our fantastic next location? Visit Madrid’s Official Tourist Website

Looking forward to meeting you in Madrid!



Franklin Hoet Linares – WJA Worldwide President


WJA Munich IP Conference 2018


The WJA Munich Conference IP Protection & Trademark Rights was held on May 3 – 4 at the Courtyard® & Residence Inn® Munich East Hotel in Munich, Germany. The successful conference featured an array of high level interesting presentations and events. The Opening Ceremony begun with speeches from Dr. Alexander Löw, President of the Organizing Committee & President of the WJA for Europe & Germany; Dr. Franklin Hoet-Linares, WJA Worldwide President; Hon. Justice TAO Kaiyuan, WJA President for Asia & China; and Marc F-X Groebl, member of the Board of Directors of the Munich Bar Association.

First day sessions included:

  • Franklin Hoet Linares, Founding Partner at HPCD, on Multiple Protection Strategies in the Fashion Design Business in LATAM;
  • Brian Smith, Partner at Robinson & Cole, on US Copyright Protections;
  • Yann Meniere, Chief Economist at the European Patent Office, on The Economic Impact of the Unitary Patent;
  • Orlando Viera Blanco, President of the Canadian-Venezuelan Engagement Foundation, on the Impact of Counterfeiting and Illegitimate Markets in the Social, Economic and Institutional Field;
  • TAO Kaiyuan, Vice President of the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China, on the Reform and Development of Intellectual Property Protection of Chinese Courts;
  • WANG Chuang, Deputy Chief Judge of the 3rd Civil Division of the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China, on the Development of China’s Trademark Protection Rules and System;
  • JIANG Ying, Chief Judge of the 1st Trial Division of Beijing Intellectual Property Court of the People’s Republic of China, on the Practice and Prospect of the Intellectual Property Case Guidance System in China;
  • LING Song, Deputy Judge of the 1st Trial Division of Shanghai Intellectual Property Court of the People’s Republic of China, on the Promoting Judicial Protection of Scientific Innovation and Enhancing IP International Exchange against the Background of Globalization; and
  • HUANG Huihuan, Chief Judge of the Case-Filing Division of Guangzhou Intellectual Property Court of the People’s Republic of China, on Research on Market Value of IP & Key to the Difficulty of Determining Tort Damages Compensation.

The day closed with a moving Commemorative Ceremony held at the Munich Olympic Village near the Munich Massacre Monument in remembrance of the 11 Israeli Athletes and the German Police Officer murdered in 1972 during the Summer Olympic Games. The ceremony, greatly organized and produced by Adv. Yehoshua Nener, WJA Israel President, was initiated by Dr. Hoet and a prayer in the athletes’ memory recited by a Rabbi.

Adv. Nener delivered the opening speech, emphasizing that the world must unite against terrorism. Keynote Speaker, Hon. Jus. Miriam Naor, President (ret) of the Supreme Court of Israel, reviewed the events unfolding the act of terror, highlighting the unfortunate refusal of Germany to allow the Israeli Special Forces to release the hostages.

Following speeches were delivered by Mrs. Ankie Spitzer, widow of Andre Spitzer, athlete murdered during the massacre, and Mr. Yoram Domb, husband of Esther Roth-Shahamorov, surviving Israeli athlete. Other speakers included the Deputy Consul of Israel in Munich, Mr. Liran Sahar, Dr. Alexander Löw, and Dr. Franklin Hoet, who delivered his most moving message on behalf of the organization.

Through the videos screened behind the speakers, many of the participants were exposed for the first time to the details of the Munich Massacre. Attendees expressed how deeply moved they were and promised to transmit the indelible impression left by the ceremony to jurists and friends in their home countries.

Day two sessions included:

  • Miguel Domingo Vecchioni, Manager of the Team of Applied Mathematics and Natural Language Processing at the European Patent Office, on Patents in the 4th Industrial Revolution;
  • Jacint Soler-Padró, WJA Spain President, on the Internet Company’s Monopoly – A Risk to our Freedom?
  • Panagiotis Rigopoulos, Lawyer of the European & International Legal Affairs of the European Patent Office, on the Recent Developments at the EPO and the EPO as a Key Harmonization Driver;
  • Alexander Löw, President of Data-Warehouse GmbH, on Challenges of Small and Medium Enterprises in IP;
  • Jesús Becerra, Corporate Criminal Defense Attorney and Lecturer at the Universitat Pompeu Fabré Barcelona, on the Criminal Law Consequences of the Protection of Intellectual Property Through Self Help under Spanish Law; and
  • Ramón Soler-Padró, Partner at Soler-Padró v. Hohenlohe Engel, on the Impacts of Social Media on the Civil Society.

A vibrant Closing Ceremony was held at the traditional Bavarian restaurant Ratskeller of the Munich City Town Hall. Hon. Jus. Peter Umeadi, WJA President for Africa, honored the Closing Statement of the Conference. Typical Oktober Fest gifts were presented as well as beautiful presents from the Chinese delegation, and a Bavarian music and dance show delighted the WJA Global Council, members and participants, who even joined in for a dance.

The WJA greatly appreciates the participation of attendees from countries as far as Canada, USA, Latin America, Nigeria, Israel and China, among other countries. Furthermore, WJA is proud of and thankful with the Organizing Committee, Dr. Alexander Löw and family, Sven Kohlmeier, Alexandra Lohr, Carola Dirscherl, Yacky Rodríguez and all the Data-Warehouse Gmgh team, who worked very hard to put together such a successful and high-quality event.

Expectations now rely on the upcoming 26th Biennial Congress in Madrid, Spain, to be presided by H.M. the King of Spain in 2019, and on the next Conference to be organized by the WJA Israeli team, probably in Jerusalem, which would give us the opportunity to reunite with our friends from the Israeli Supreme Court and the unforgettable and hardworking WJA member Dr. Ethia Simha.

Note: Presentations will be soon available. Further information Dr. Alexander Löw, WJA President for Europe A.Loew@dwh.email. WJA members discount applies.


Photo Gallery

Alexander Löw & Sven Kohlmeier – WJA Germany

Welcoming the Nigerian Delegation

Welcoming the Chinese delegation

Alexander Löw, Tao Kaiyuan, Franklin Hoet & Yejoshua Nener

Welcoming participants from China, Israel & Venezuela

The Venezuelan delegation entering the Conference

Typical Bavarian Welcome Pack

Dr. Alexander Löw – Organizing Committee

Guests at the Conference Room

Dr. Franklin Hoet – WJA Worldwide President

Jus. TAO Kaiyuan – WJA President for Asia

Marc F-X Groebl – Board of Directors of the Munich Bar Association

Franklin Hoet

Brian Smith

Yann Meniere

Orlando Viera Blanco

Chinese Delegation

WJA members with Jus. Miriam Naor

Alberto Jurado and the WJA Germany Team

Jus. Tao Kaiyuan and Dr. Franklin Hoet

Setting of the Commemorative Ceremony

Setting of the Commemorative Ceremony

Yejoshua Nener – Israeli Commemorative Ceremony Organizer

Rabbi at the Commemorative Ceremony

Alexander Löw – Commemorative Ceremony

Commemorative Ceremony Guests

Alexander Löw – Commemorative Ceremony

Jus. Miriam Naor – Commemorative Ceremony

WJA Members at the Commemorative Ceremony

WJA Officials with Israeli Hon. Jus. (ret) Miriam Naor

Network Meeting Area

Miguel D. Vecchioni

Jacint Soler Padro

Conference Room

Panagiotis Rigopoulus

Nigerian Delegation and speakers

Jesús Becerra

Ramón Soler-Padró

Attendees with their Certificates

Orlando Viera, Jesús Becerra & Alberto Jurado

Jus. Peter Umeadi, WJA President for Africa – Closing Ceremony

Bavarian music & dance performance – Closing Ceremony

Bavarian music & dance performance – Closing Ceremony

Dr. Hoet & Jus. Kaiyuan – Closing Ceremony

Bavarian performance -Closing Ceremony