Tag: Law

La World Jurist Association entregará el World Peace and Liberty Award a Andrew Young, ícono de los derechos civiles en EEUU

>> Se trata del máximo galardón que entrega la WJA y reconoce el trabajo de Young por “el progreso social, político y económico de los oprimidos de todo el mundo”

>> Andrew Young, más cercano colaborador de Martin Luther King Jr., fue el primer embajador afroamericano de EE. UU. ante la ONU, quien también impulsó las leyes estadounidenses de Derechos Civiles y de Derecho al Voto

>> La distinción será entregada por S.M. Felipe VI el 8 de mayo en Madrid durante la presentación del World Law Congress New York 2023 en la inauguración del Rule of Law Digital Center

>> En el evento, la WJA también entregará las Medallas de Honor Ruth Bader Ginsburg 2023 a mujeres juristas de destacada trayectoria, como Navi Pillay, Alta Comisionada de la ONU para los DDHH (2008-2014), y Lady Brenda Hale, primera presidente mujer de la Corte Suprema del Reino Unido.

El próximo 8 de mayo la World Jurist Association (WJA) entregará al destacado líder de los derechos civiles estadounidense Andrew Young su máximo galardón: el World Peace and Liberty Award. Se trata de un reconocimiento que, tal como explican desde la asociación, busca resaltar la labor internacional de Young en favor del “progreso social, político y económico de los oprimidos de todo el mundo”.

Nacido en Estados Unidos en 1932, Andrew Young es político, diplomático y activista por los derechos civiles y humanos. Fue el colaborador más cercano a Martin Luther King Jr., quien falleció a su lado https://youtu.be/LqIjO1Qqxcsc

Young participó en la redacción de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964 y en la Ley de Derecho al Voto de 1965 de su país, y fue nombrado vicepresidente ejecutivo de la Conferencia de Liderazgo Cristiano del Sur (1968-1970), tras la muerte de King.

Congresista por Georgia, Young fue el primer embajador afroamericano de Estados Unidos ante las Naciones Unidas. Desde allí promovió la protección de los derechos humanos y el progreso económico en los países subdesarrollados del mundo, y su labor hizo que esto se convirtiera en objetivo de la política exterior del presidente estadounidense Jimmy Carter.

Fue alcalde de Atlanta en 1982-1990, desarrollando la ciudad para convertirse en la Sede de los Juegos Olímpicos.

En 1994, Bill Clinton, Nelson Mandela y el Congreso de los Estados Unidos crearon el Fondo de Desarrollo Empresarial de África Meridional (SAEDF), presidido por Andrew Young. El Fondo tiene el propósito proporcionar financiación para estimular la creación y expansión de pequeñas y medianas empresas indígenas en todo el sur de África.

En 2003 fundó la Fundación Andrew Young, destinada a apoyar y promover la educación, la salud, el liderazgo y los derechos humanos en los Estados Unidos, África y el Caribe.

“Young representa los valores de la World Jurist Association. A lo largo de toda su carrera profesional ha sido un ejemplo para la humanidad por su defensa del Estado de Derecho y, por ello, para nosotros es un orgullo entregarle este galardón”, ha asegurado el presidente de la WJA, Javier Cremades.

El Nobel del Derecho

El World Peace and Liberty Award es el máximo galardón que concede la World Jurist Association, conocido como el Premio Nobel del Derecho. Se concede a personalidades e instituciones mundiales que se han distinguido por su compromiso con la promoción de la paz a través del Derecho y del Estado de Derecho como garante de la libertad.

En el pasado, este premio ha sido entregado a figuras destacadas como Sir Winston Churchill, Nelson Mandela, René Cassin, Felipe VI Rey de España, Ruth Bader Ginsburg y, en su última edición, a la sociedad colombiana, en manos de su entonces presidente Iván Duque.

En esta oportunidad, S.M. Felipe VI Rey de España y el Comisario de Justicia de la Unión Europea, Didier Reynders, serán los encargados de entregar el galardón a Young.

Opening Session Madrid

La ceremonia de entrega del World Peace and Liberty Award a Andrew Young será el cierre de la Opening Session Madrid que servirá como marco para la presentación del World Law Congress que se realizará en Nueva York el 20 y 21 de julio. De igual forma, se inaugurará el Rule of Law Digital Center Madrid, el primero de los centros para la promoción del Estado de Derecho en el mundo que inaugurará la World Law Foundation.

Durante el nutrido programa de la Opening Session Madrid, también se entregarán las Medallas de Honor Ruth Bader Ginsburg de la WJA 2023. Un galardón que recibirán Lady Brenda Hale, presidenta del Tribunal Supremo del Reino Unido 2017-2020 y primera mujer en desempeñar este cargo; Ambiga Sreenevasan, abogada, activista malaya por elecciones libres, por los derechos de la mujer y defensora de los derechos humanos; Imrana Jalal, presidenta del Panel de Inspección del Banco Mundial, abogada especializada en derechos humanos y fundadora del movimiento por la equidad de género en su natal Fiyi; Asifa Kakar, Jueza de la Corte Suprema de Afganistán y miembro de la Comisión redactora de la Constitución de Afganistán en 2003, en nombre de la Asociación de Juezas Afganas Refugiadas.

Además, Navi Pillay, Alta Comisionada de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos 2008-2014, jueza de la Corte Penal Internacional 2003-2008, y presidenta del Tribunal Penal Internacional para Ruanda, recibirá en persona la Medalla de Honor RBG en 2021, la cual aceptó virtualmente en su momento dadas las restricciones de viaje ese año.

The President of the Constitutional Court of Spain chaired meeting of the Spanish legal profession for the World Law Congress 2021

>> The meeting was attended by the Minister of Justice of Spain, the Colombian Ambassador to Spain, the former president and current judge of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Eduardo Ferrer, and the 50 most important law firms with presence in Spain

The Madrid Bar Association (ICAM) hosted a lunch with representatives of legal institutions and law firms convened by the World Jurist Association (WJA). During such, the program of the Opening Session Bogotá-Madrid of the World Law Congress Colombia 2021 was presented, which will be held during July 5 and 6 in Madrid. This lunch was attended by the President of the Constitutional Court of Spain, Juan José González Rivas, the Minister of Justice of Spain, Juan Carlos Campo, the Colombian Ambassador to Spain, Luis Guillermo Plata, the judge of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Eduardo Ferrer Mac-Gregor, the president of the General Council of Spanish Lawyers, Victoria Ortega, the dean of ICAM, José María Alonso, and the vice president of the Mutual Fund for Lawyers, Joaquín García-Romanillos.

During the opening speech, José María Alonso acknowledged that the hosting of this event is “a joint project to promote the Spanish and Ibero-American legal world beyond our borders.” The Dean pointed out the importance of “being aware of our potential and to act in unison.” In this sense, he welcomed initiatives such as those of the World Jurist Association, “which has the objective of reinforcing and enlarging our presence in the world, as well as being a collective, supportive and inclusive project.”

For his part, Javier Cremades, president of the WJA, underlined the association’s special defense of the rule of law and explained that in the world “there are profound processes of distortion and falsification of the rule of law within our democracies; alerts that exist in many countries and show that the rule of law must be taken care of so that more and more people take shelter under it”, recalling “the need for life to occur under the rule of the law ”.

Let us remember that the World Law Congress brings together prestigious presidents of courts, magistrates, government officials, academics, lawyers, students and legal professionals from around the world, who discuss defense issues of the rule of law as a warrantor of freedom. The last edition, held in Madrid in 2019, brought together more than 2,000 jurists, a framework in which the WJA awarded King Felipe VI with the World Peace & Liberty Award.

The next edition of the World Law Congress, which will be held in Colombia, on December 2 and 3, 2021, has held Opening Sessions from different cities around the world over the course of a year, with the Opening Session Bogotá-Madrid being the most powerful of all, as an allegory to the delivery of the witness from one country to the other.

Ambassador Luis Guillermo Plata expressed the suitability of holding the Congress at a time like the one Colombia is going through. He highlighted the values ​​promoted by this event and the message it conveys, since “Colombia is a country where we must talk about freedom, democracy and rights, but all within the framework of the law.”

The Minister of Justice of Spain, who participated in the inauguration of the opening sessions in Barcelona in July 2020, congratulated the World Jurist Association for having references from the international legal sphere, and has recognized that this event “represents an extraordinary opportunity to strengthen international legal cooperation”.

For his part, the president of the Constitutional Court of Spain expressed his wish that the celebration of the Opening Session Bogotá-Madrid and the congress in Colombia “be moments of deepening on the values ​​of the rule of law.”

Eduardo Ferrer Mac-Gregor, Judge of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Trustee of the World Law Foundation and member of its Organizing Committee, presented the content of the Opening Session Bogotá-Madrid program. On July 5, he highlighted the holding of an unprecedented panel discussion on gender equality and the rule of law, made up by presidents and judges of the world’s most important supranational courts, who will meet for the first time in history. Similarly, tribute will be paid to the recently deceased Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the last recipient of the World Peace & Liberty Award in 2020, and the Ruth Bader Ginsburg Medals of Honor. Ginsburg of the WJA to the world’s leading women jurists will be presented in her honor.

For its part, on July 6 there will be a summit of presidents of the supreme and constitutional courts of Europe and the Americas, which will also have presidents of different institutions related to the Judiciary and the presidents of the bars of the Mexican legal profession, with aim to discuss the rule of law.

Al finalizar el acto se entregaron placas conmemorativas a José María Alonso , Decano del ICAM, Luis de Carlos , Patrono de la World Law Foundation y Presidente de Uría Menéndez, Pedro Pérez Llorca ¸ Socio Director de Pérez-Llorca, Carlos Rueda , Socio Director de Gómez-Acebo y Pombo, y Fernando Bautista , Socio Director de Bautista & Asociados. Un reconocimiento a su permanente y necesaria colaboración con el éxito del World Law Congress Madrid 2019.


Recent events in Mexico have raised concerns in the international legal community, in connection with important aspects of the Mexican constitutional and legal order.

As a global association of jurists, the WJA’s ultimate mission is the promotion of the rule of the law and never of the force; in this line, the WJA on behalf of the whole legal international community will issue an institutional declaration on the Rule of Law in Mexico. 

(You may sign the Declaration HERE)

With this initiative, the WJA seeks to encourage the national and international legal community, as well as the Mexican government authorities, officials, judges, magistrates and the civil society to stand firm in defending and upholding the Rule of Law.

The WJA calls for dialogue among all levels of government, the judiciary, and civil society, to unite, in order to promote respect for and the supremacy of the rule of law, and offers its support and assistance to all parties who wish to work together in good faith to resolve the differences now faced by the government and people of Mexico.


To sign and support this Declaration CLICK HERE


Puede firmar la declaración AQUÍ

U.S. Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg presented with World Peace & Liberty Award

The Honorable Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, was presented with the World Peace & Liberty Award by the World Jurist Association and the World Law Foundation on Friday, February 7 at the American Bar Association. As the second woman nominated to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court, Justice Ginsburg was chosen in recognition of her contributions to gender equality and civil rights.

“Judges are human, and the natural state of humankind is imperfection. But despite our fallibility, it is our sacred charge to uphold the law and to administer justice fairly to all persons, no matter how powerful or small. In the years remaining to me on the United States Supreme Court bench, I will strive to do just that,” Justice Ginsburg said in accepting the award.

Javier Cremades, President of the World Jurist Association and the World Law Foundation, said, “Throughout her life, Justice Ginsburg has championed gender equality and civil rights. We are excited to recognize her exceptional achievements and honor her unfailing commitment to strengthening the rule of law.”

The World Peace & Liberty Award recognizes world leaders who have excelled in promoting peace through law. The distinction is a testament of society’s gratitude and support for the recipient’s unwavering commitment to uphold the Rule of Law, thus guaranteeing freedom. Throughout its history, and as a precursor to the World Law Foundation, the World Jurist Association has awarded individuals such as Sir Winston Churchill, René Cassin and Nelson Mandela. Last year, the King of Spain, Felipe VI received the award at the World Law Congress in Madrid.

The award ceremony for Justice Ginsburg took place at the American Bar Association in Washington D.C. “The American Bar Association will forever be grateful for Justice Ginsburg’s outstanding public service and her numerous, continuing contributions on behalf of equal justice for all under the rule of law,” ABA President Judy Perry Martinez said at the ceremony.

Related links:

World Peace & Liberty Award a Magistrada de la Corte Suprema de EEUU Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Eventos Jurídicos).

Ginsburg to present award named for her to philanthropist (Legal News)

`World Peace & Liberty Award´ a Magistrada de la Corte Suprema de EEUU Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Lawyerpress)

Ginsburg to Present Award Named for Her to Philanthropist (The New York Times)

Ginsburg to Present Award Named for Her to Philanthropist (U.S. News)

Javier Cremades entrega el “World Peace & Liberty Award” a la juez de la Corte Suprema de EE.UU. Ruth Bader Ginsburg (ConfiLegal)

La juez Ruth Bader Ginsburg: una pionera de la igualdad de género (El Mundo)

`World Peace & Liberty Award´ a Magistrada de la Corte Suprema de EEUU Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Law&Trends)

Ginsburg expresses hope amid a Senate she thinks is ‘divided sharply’ (The Hill)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Senate exemplifies trend of sticking with ‘one’s own home crowd’ (W Top)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Senate exemplifies trend of sticking with ‘one’s own home crowd’ (Head Topics)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Senate exemplifies trend of sticking with ‘one’s own home crowd’ (CNN Politics)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Senate exemplifies trend of sticking with ‘one’s own home crowd’ (ABC 17 News)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg ganó el premio “World Peace & Liberty Award” (Cambio 16)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Senate exemplifies trend of sticking with ‘one’s own home crowd’ (ktvz)

Ginsburg to present award named for her to philanthropist (Ap News)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Magistrada de la Corte Suprema de EEUU, Premio Mundial a la Paz y la Libertad de la Asociación Mundial de Juristas (Economist Jurist)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Premio Mundial a la Paz y la Libertad de la Asociación Mundial de Juristas (Lawyer Press)

COP25 in Madrid: Dialogues on Law and Climate Emergency

Law as a tool for citizens to fight against climate change

The World Jurist Association and the World Law Foundation organized the ‘Dialogues on Law and Climate Emergency’ on the occasion of the 25º UN Climate Summit. On December 4 & 5, 2019, experts in environmental and energy law analyzed how law can serve society in its fight against climate change.

The first meeting was held at the Green Zone of the UN Climate Summit COP25 in IFEMA. It was led by Javier Cremades, president of the organizing institutions, who said that law is the instrument that society has to face the challenge of climate change. In this regard, Cremades affirmed that “without law we can make little progress and that is why we need the commitment of the whole society, both the fiscal effort and the sense of corporate responsibility, in order to direct the future towards an energy transition that leads us to clean and sustainable energies that make decarbonization a tangible goal”.

Marina Serrano, Of-Coursel of Pérez Llorca, also highlighted the role of jurists in this area. She assured that “they serve society and citizens and, therefore, the environment.” And, in the words of Javier De Cendra Larragán, Dean of IE Law School and Member of the Health and Safety Committee of the International Bar Association, ”climate change has unleashed a cultural debate that requires an adequate framework and regulatory stability for technological development ”.

For Pilar Navarro, partner of Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo Sevilla and former Secretary General of Environment and Climate Change of the Junta de Andalucía, the solution to this problem lies “in regulatory stability, in the multilateral investment court and the application of law global administrative ”. And Navarro hopes to reach an environmental pact “to ensure that the planet will be available and sustainable for the next generations”.  To achieve this, she pointed out that “digitalization and technology, combined with the law, will be the horse on which this new transition to a decarbonized and sustainable world is galloping.”

The second day of Dialogues on Law and Climate Emergency, which took place at the headquarters of the news magazine Cambio16, featured Javier Cremades as moderator of the discussion in which Carlos de Miguel, partner of the Environment Department of Uría Menéndez, pointed out the need to establish “a consensus of price and legal security signals”, in addition to “a greater involvement of the public”, since “there is citizen and business awareness, but perhaps it is lower by the public bodies”.

Isabel Coleto, Co-Founder of Talantia and Professor at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, analyzed the industrial situation with respect to pollution, and indicated that zero waste is possible in business facilities thanks to the investments that are being made, but has not forgotten about small and medium-sized businesses, “so important in Spain as they cannot keep up with the environmental requirements that in recent years have proliferated so much in our country and that imply some insecurity for the end that can wait for them”. And is that “SMEs can barely meet the requirements of the regulator and there is an inconsistency between regulation and industrial reality.”

World Law Congress Madrid 2019

The World Law Congress

On February 19 – 20, 2019, the World Jurist Association made Madrid the World Jurist Capital during its XXVI Biennial Congress at Teatro Real. Presided by Franklin Hoet-Linares for the period 2017-2019, the WJA organized the World Law Congress under a renovated format ideated by Javier Cremades-García, President of the Organizing Commission and WJA Vice-President for Europe. This edition gathered together different guilts within the legal profession, serving the WJA as umbrella organization for Human Rights, notaries, constitutionalists, registrars, and religious organizations, among others, to co-organize the World Law Congress (WLC).

The presentation of the WJA World Peace & Liberty Award to H.M. King Felipe VI of Spain, in presence of H.M. Queen Letizia of Spain and H.E. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, President of Portugal, represented one of the most iconic activities of the World Law Congress Madrid 2019.  On February 20, a 1750-pax plenary at the main room of Teatro Real recognized His Majesty for his unwavering commitment to the Rule of Law and his defense to Democracy and Freedom. During the Ceremony, congratulation videos sent by President of Colombia, H.E. Iván Duque, and former President of East Timor and Peace Nobel Prize Winner 1996, José Ramos Horta, were presented before His Majesty.

A total of 2,300 jurists and personalities from around the world attended the World Law Congress Madrid 2019 and its Side-Events. Nearly 230 speakers of the highest level participated during this event, most of them within the 21 panels carried out on February 19, in 7 simultaneous rooms at Teatro Real. The deliberations performed this day resulted in The Declation of Madrid 2019. Furthermore, during the event, the new logo of the World Jurist Association was presented, resulting in a totally innovative branding. 

The decision of holding the WJA XXVI Biennial Congress in Madrid was taken during the WJA Board meeting held on May 4, 2018 in Munich, Germany. The task was given to Dr. Javier Cremades García, President of Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo Lawyers, who presided the Congress with Mr. Javier Solana Madariaga, former Secretary General of OTAN. The coordination of the program was performed by the Director of the WLC and former President of the Constitutional Court of Spain, Dr. Manuel Aragón Reyes. An Organizing Commision of prominent jurists from Spain and other countries, alone with the Co-Organizing institutions, made possible the execution of a magnificent event that made history within the WJA and, furthermore, in Spain.

For Spain, the Congress and the recognition to the democratic institutions through HM the King represented a reason of great pride and transcendence, as well as a unique opportunity to support the evolution of Spanish democracy and its stability, in the framework of the 40th anniversary of the Spanish Constitution. The event had great media impacts, heading all Spanish newspapers and TV news programs, as well as different media throughout the world.

Additional to the main activities at Teatro Real, the Congress included a Side-Event with the Presidents of the European Constitutional Courts on February 18 at the Madrid Bar Association, the celebration of an Ecumenic Act at the Almudena Cathedral with leaders of the main religions of the world on February 19, and the celebration of a WJA General Assambly and the World Law Day at the Malaga Bar Association on February 21.

Finally, and following the WJA tradition, during the WJA General Assembly in Malaga, Dr. Javier Cremades García (Spain), President of the Organizing Commision of the World Law Congress and WJA Vice President for Europe, was designated by the Elections Committee as the new Worldwide President of the World Jurist Association for the period 2019-2021. Additionally, Hon. Jus. Peter Umeadi (Nigeria) was elected as President of the World Association of Judges, Prof. Jesús Becerra (Venezuela-Spain) as President of the World Association of Law Professors, Dr. Javier Lara (Spain), as President of the World Association of Lawyers, and Sven Kohlmier (Germany) as President of the Business Associates Center.

You may visit www.worldlawcongress.com for further information on this fantastic event