Category: Past Conferences

Past Conference Content

New Officers Designated During the General Assembly in Malaga

Following the WJA tradition and By-Laws, a General Assembly of Members was celebrated during the Closing of the World Law Congress Madrid 2019. This time, all WJA members attending the Madrid conferences were taken to the beautiful city of Malaga, in the Spanish Costa del Sol.

The distinguished embers of the WJA Board of Directors, WJA members and international guests

First, WJA members were received by the Malaga City Mayor at the City Hall, during a lovely cocktail the previous night. Then, on February 21, the General Assembly was hosted by the Malaga Bar Association.

During the WJA General Assembly in Malaga, Dr. Javier Cremades García (Spain), President of the Organizing Commision of the World Law Congress Madrid 2019 and WJA Vice President for Europe, was designated by the Elections Committee as the new Worldwide President of the World Jurist Association for the period 2019-2021 (video). Through different networks, Dr. Cremades had actively cooperated with the World Jurist Association in previous events and was a speaker during the Biennial Congress in Aruba 2017. He was also recognized by our association with the World Jurist Award 2017. Javier is a distinguished Spanish lawyer, with a strong sense of fairness that has led him to defend Human Rights, political rights and minority share holders, among other areas of practice.

Dr. Javier Cremades, new WJA Worldwide President, being congratulated by the Malaga City Mayor, Francisco de la Torre, after receiving the WJA hammer from Past President Dr. Franklin Hoet

Furthermore, Hon. Jus. Peter Umeadi (Nigeria) was re-elected as President of the World Association of Judges. Peter is a longtime very active member of the WJA, has been the Regional President for Africa and the National President for Nigeria.

Prof. Dr. Jesús Becerra (Venezuela-Spain) was designated as President of the World Association of Law Professors. Born in venezuela, Jesús is currently a prominent lecturer of Criminal Law at the Pompeu Fabrá University in Barcelona, Spain, university from which he also obtained his doctorate.

The WJA General Assembly

On the other hand, Dr. Francisco Javier Lara Paláez (Spain), was appointed President of the World Association of Lawyers. Javier Lara is the Dean of the Malaga Bar Association and was an outstanding member of the Organizing Commission of the World Law Congress Madrid 2019.

Finally, Dr. Sven Kohlmier (Germany), was designated President of the Business Associates Center. Sven is member of the House of Representatives of Berlin for the third time. He is a spokesperson for legal issues, network policy and data protection for his group at the House of Representatives of Berlin.

Congratulations to all newly appointed WJA Officers!

WJA Munich IP Conference 2018


The WJA Munich Conference IP Protection & Trademark Rights was held on May 3 – 4 at the Courtyard® & Residence Inn® Munich East Hotel in Munich, Germany. The successful conference featured an array of high level interesting presentations and events. The Opening Ceremony begun with speeches from Dr. Alexander Löw, President of the Organizing Committee & President of the WJA for Europe & Germany; Dr. Franklin Hoet-Linares, WJA Worldwide President; Hon. Justice TAO Kaiyuan, WJA President for Asia & China; and Marc F-X Groebl, member of the Board of Directors of the Munich Bar Association.

First day sessions included:

  • Franklin Hoet Linares, Founding Partner at HPCD, on Multiple Protection Strategies in the Fashion Design Business in LATAM;
  • Brian Smith, Partner at Robinson & Cole, on US Copyright Protections;
  • Yann Meniere, Chief Economist at the European Patent Office, on The Economic Impact of the Unitary Patent;
  • Orlando Viera Blanco, President of the Canadian-Venezuelan Engagement Foundation, on the Impact of Counterfeiting and Illegitimate Markets in the Social, Economic and Institutional Field;
  • TAO Kaiyuan, Vice President of the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China, on the Reform and Development of Intellectual Property Protection of Chinese Courts;
  • WANG Chuang, Deputy Chief Judge of the 3rd Civil Division of the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China, on the Development of China’s Trademark Protection Rules and System;
  • JIANG Ying, Chief Judge of the 1st Trial Division of Beijing Intellectual Property Court of the People’s Republic of China, on the Practice and Prospect of the Intellectual Property Case Guidance System in China;
  • LING Song, Deputy Judge of the 1st Trial Division of Shanghai Intellectual Property Court of the People’s Republic of China, on the Promoting Judicial Protection of Scientific Innovation and Enhancing IP International Exchange against the Background of Globalization; and
  • HUANG Huihuan, Chief Judge of the Case-Filing Division of Guangzhou Intellectual Property Court of the People’s Republic of China, on Research on Market Value of IP & Key to the Difficulty of Determining Tort Damages Compensation.

The day closed with a moving Commemorative Ceremony held at the Munich Olympic Village near the Munich Massacre Monument in remembrance of the 11 Israeli Athletes and the German Police Officer murdered in 1972 during the Summer Olympic Games. The ceremony, greatly organized and produced by Adv. Yehoshua Nener, WJA Israel President, was initiated by Dr. Hoet and a prayer in the athletes’ memory recited by a Rabbi.

Adv. Nener delivered the opening speech, emphasizing that the world must unite against terrorism. Keynote Speaker, Hon. Jus. Miriam Naor, President (ret) of the Supreme Court of Israel, reviewed the events unfolding the act of terror, highlighting the unfortunate refusal of Germany to allow the Israeli Special Forces to release the hostages.

Following speeches were delivered by Mrs. Ankie Spitzer, widow of Andre Spitzer, athlete murdered during the massacre, and Mr. Yoram Domb, husband of Esther Roth-Shahamorov, surviving Israeli athlete. Other speakers included the Deputy Consul of Israel in Munich, Mr. Liran Sahar, Dr. Alexander Löw, and Dr. Franklin Hoet, who delivered his most moving message on behalf of the organization.

Through the videos screened behind the speakers, many of the participants were exposed for the first time to the details of the Munich Massacre. Attendees expressed how deeply moved they were and promised to transmit the indelible impression left by the ceremony to jurists and friends in their home countries.

Day two sessions included:

  • Miguel Domingo Vecchioni, Manager of the Team of Applied Mathematics and Natural Language Processing at the European Patent Office, on Patents in the 4th Industrial Revolution;
  • Jacint Soler-Padró, WJA Spain President, on the Internet Company’s Monopoly – A Risk to our Freedom?
  • Panagiotis Rigopoulos, Lawyer of the European & International Legal Affairs of the European Patent Office, on the Recent Developments at the EPO and the EPO as a Key Harmonization Driver;
  • Alexander Löw, President of Data-Warehouse GmbH, on Challenges of Small and Medium Enterprises in IP;
  • Jesús Becerra, Corporate Criminal Defense Attorney and Lecturer at the Universitat Pompeu Fabré Barcelona, on the Criminal Law Consequences of the Protection of Intellectual Property Through Self Help under Spanish Law; and
  • Ramón Soler-Padró, Partner at Soler-Padró v. Hohenlohe Engel, on the Impacts of Social Media on the Civil Society.

A vibrant Closing Ceremony was held at the traditional Bavarian restaurant Ratskeller of the Munich City Town Hall. Hon. Jus. Peter Umeadi, WJA President for Africa, honored the Closing Statement of the Conference. Typical Oktober Fest gifts were presented as well as beautiful presents from the Chinese delegation, and a Bavarian music and dance show delighted the WJA Global Council, members and participants, who even joined in for a dance.

The WJA greatly appreciates the participation of attendees from countries as far as Canada, USA, Latin America, Nigeria, Israel and China, among other countries. Furthermore, WJA is proud of and thankful with the Organizing Committee, Dr. Alexander Löw and family, Sven Kohlmeier, Alexandra Lohr, Carola Dirscherl, Yacky Rodríguez and all the Data-Warehouse Gmgh team, who worked very hard to put together such a successful and high-quality event.

Expectations now rely on the upcoming 26th Biennial Congress in Madrid, Spain, to be presided by H.M. the King of Spain in 2019, and on the next Conference to be organized by the WJA Israeli team, probably in Jerusalem, which would give us the opportunity to reunite with our friends from the Israeli Supreme Court and the unforgettable and hardworking WJA member Dr. Ethia Simha.

Note: Presentations will be soon available. Further information Dr. Alexander Löw, WJA President for Europe WJA members discount applies.


Photo Gallery

Alexander Löw & Sven Kohlmeier – WJA Germany

Welcoming the Nigerian Delegation

Welcoming the Chinese delegation

Alexander Löw, Tao Kaiyuan, Franklin Hoet & Yejoshua Nener

Welcoming participants from China, Israel & Venezuela

The Venezuelan delegation entering the Conference

Typical Bavarian Welcome Pack

Dr. Alexander Löw – Organizing Committee

Guests at the Conference Room

Dr. Franklin Hoet – WJA Worldwide President

Jus. TAO Kaiyuan – WJA President for Asia

Marc F-X Groebl – Board of Directors of the Munich Bar Association

Franklin Hoet

Brian Smith

Yann Meniere

Orlando Viera Blanco

Chinese Delegation

WJA members with Jus. Miriam Naor

Alberto Jurado and the WJA Germany Team

Jus. Tao Kaiyuan and Dr. Franklin Hoet

Setting of the Commemorative Ceremony

Setting of the Commemorative Ceremony

Yejoshua Nener – Israeli Commemorative Ceremony Organizer

Rabbi at the Commemorative Ceremony

Alexander Löw – Commemorative Ceremony

Commemorative Ceremony Guests

Alexander Löw – Commemorative Ceremony

Jus. Miriam Naor – Commemorative Ceremony

WJA Members at the Commemorative Ceremony

WJA Officials with Israeli Hon. Jus. (ret) Miriam Naor

Network Meeting Area

Miguel D. Vecchioni

Jacint Soler Padro

Conference Room

Panagiotis Rigopoulus

Nigerian Delegation and speakers

Jesús Becerra

Ramón Soler-Padró

Attendees with their Certificates

Orlando Viera, Jesús Becerra & Alberto Jurado

Jus. Peter Umeadi, WJA President for Africa – Closing Ceremony

Bavarian music & dance performance – Closing Ceremony

Bavarian music & dance performance – Closing Ceremony

Dr. Hoet & Jus. Kaiyuan – Closing Ceremony

Bavarian performance -Closing Ceremony

WJA Awards

Since 1965, Charles Rhine, founding president of the World Peace Through Law Center, today known as the World Jurist Association, established as our association’s policy, to recognize outstanding worldwide personalities, of the legal and human rights-defense field.

Prime Ministers, Presidents, Ministers, Magistrates, Prosecutors, Judges, Academics, Lawyers, Directors of international organizations and outstanding WJA Members who have widely contributed to the achievement of the organization’s goals have been awarded by the nowadays World Jurist Association.

Among others, the following notables have received the prestigious WJA Awards:

Madrid, 2021

  • WJA Ruth Bader Ginsburg Medal of Honor: Christine Lagarde, president of the European Central Bank.
  • WJA Ruth Bader Ginsburg Medal of Honor: Maite Oronoz, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico.
  • WJA Ruth Bader Ginsburg Medal of Honor: Rosario Silva De Lapuerta, Vice President of the Court of Justice of the European Union.
  • WJA Ruth Bader Ginsburg Medal of Honor: Luz del Carmen Ibáñez, vice president of the International Criminal Court.
  • WJA Ruth Bader Ginsburg Medal of Honor: Gillian Triggs, United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Refugee Protection.
  • WJA Ruth Bader Ginsburg Medal of Honor: Young Hye Kim, Judge Commissioner of the National Human Rights Commission.

Washington, 2020

  • World Peace & Liberty Award: Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Madrid, 2019

Oranjestad, 2017

  • World Peace Award: Dr. Luis Almagro Lemes, Secretary General of the OAS – Uruguay
  • Outstanding Legal Scholar Award: Prof. Doc. Juris Alexander J. Bĕlohlávek – Czech Republic
  • Life Achievements Award: Prof. Dr. Román Duque Corredor – Venezuela
  • Outstanding Lawyer Award: Tamara Sujú Roa, Exec. CASLA Institute – Venezuela
  • Investigative Journalism Award: Roberto Deniz Machín, Co-Author of the Panama Papers, 2017 Pulitzer Prize – Venezuela
  • World Jurist Award: Dr. Javier Cremades – Spain. Presented in Madrid, 2018.

Manila, 1993

  • WJA Man of Peace Award: H.E. Pres. Fidel Ramos – Philippines
  • WJA World Justice Award: Chief Jus. Roman Herzog, Federal Constitutional Court – Germany

Beijing, 1990

  • Special Appreciation Award: H.E. Zheng Jianxian – Pres. Peoples Supreme Court – China, for his efforts as host and head of the Chinese Conference Organizing Committee
  • World Justice Award: Hon. Pres. José María Ruda, Int’l Court of Justice – Spain
  • World Jurist Award: Hon. Chief Jus. Marcelo B. Fernan – Philippines
  • World Lawyer Award: Mr. D.C. Singhania – India
  • World Outstanding National Chairman Award: Masahiko Takeda – Japan
  • World Legal Scholar Award: Prof. Ved Nanda – Pakistan
  • Special Award: Mr. Kenelm L. Shirk, Jr. – USA, for his continuing contribution to the objectives of the World Peace Through Law Center.

Seoul, 1987

  • World Justice Award: Pres. Nagendra Singh, International Court of Justice – India
  • World Lawyer Award: Franklin Hoet Linares – Venezuela
  • Extraordinary Contribution to the Law of Mind Kind Award: Hon. Pres. Rolv Ryssdal, European Court of Human Rights, and Mrs. Signe Marie Ryssdal – Norway. Only Husband / Wife honoris, received the Pax Orbi Ex Juri Award & Gold Medalium for Public Leadership.
  • Special Appreciation Award: H.E. Chung Haechung, Min. of Justice – Korea
  • World Jurist Award: Prince Bola Ajibola, SAN, Attorney General & Min. of Justice – Nigeria. Later member of the Int’l Court of Justice.

West Berlin, 1985

  • World Jurist Award: Dr. W. Zeidler, Pres. German Constitutional Court – Germany
  • World Justice Award: H.E. Zheng Jianxian – Pres. Peoples Supreme Court – China
  • Extraordinary Contribution to the Law of Mind Kind Award: Dr. Luis Maria Boffi Boggero, Posthumously – Argentina
  • World Lawyer Award: Claude R. Thomson – Canada
  • Outstanding National Chairman: Doo-Hyun Kim – Rep. of Korea

Cairo, 1983

  • Man of Peace Award: Pres. Mohammad Husni Mubarak – Egypt
  • World Jurist Award: Robert Matin – France
  • Outstanding Jurist of the World Award: H.E. Ahmed Mamdouh Attia – Egypt
  • Outstanding Legal Scholar Award: John Hazard – USA
  • World Lawyer Award: Dr. Waheed Raafat – Egypt
  • World Human Rights Award: Juan Manuel Fanjul Sedeno – España

Sao Paulo, 1981

  • World Human Rights Award: Prof. Carlos Alberto Dunshee de Abranches – Brazil
  • Outstanding National Chairman Award: Dr. Karl-Georg Zierlein – Fed. of Germany
  • Extraordinary Contributions to the Law of Human Kind Award: Jus. William S. Thompson, Retired – USA
  • World Lawyer Award: Ekizo Fujibayshi – Japan
  • Outstanding Jurist of the World Award: Dr. Alphonse Boni – Ivory Coast
  • Outstanding Legal Scholar Award: Dr. Luis María Boffi Boggero – Argentina

Madrid, 1979

  • World Lawyer Award: Antonio Garrigues Walker – Spain
  • Outstanding Jurist of the World Award: Prof Ernst Benda – Fed. of Germany
  • Outstanding Legal Scholar Award: Grigory I. Tunkin – URSS

Washington, 1975

  • Outstanding International Agency Award: Francis Wolf, ILO
  • World Lawyer Award: Bernard Segal – USA
  • World Jurist Award: Manfred Lachs – Int’l Court of Justice – Poland
  • World Legal Scholar Award: Prof. Joaquin Garrigues Díaz-Canabate – Spain
  • Human Rights Award: Fouad Atalla, Int’l Court of Justice – Jordan

Abidjan, 1973

  • World Human Rights Award: Terje Wold, Posthumously – Norway
  • World Human Rights Award: Earl Warren – USA
  • Outstanding National Chairman: Amelito R. Mutuc, Philippines
  • World Justice Award: Alphonse Boni – Ivory Coast
  • Man of Peace Award: Pres. Houphouet-Boigny – Ivory Coast
  • World Lawyer Award: Albert Brunois – France
  • Outstanding Jurist of the World: Dr T.O. Elias – Nigeria

Belgrade, 1971

  • Outstanding Jurist of the World Award: Chief Jus. Earl Warren – USA
  • Outstanding Legal Scholar Award: Milian Bartos – Yugoslavia
  • World Lawyer Award: Fouad Atalla – Jordan
  • Outstanding National Chairman Award: Carlo Fornario – Italy
  • World Committee Chairman Award: Dr. Max Habicht – Switzerland

Bangkok, 1969

  • Outstanding Jurist of the World Award: Chief Jus. Terje Wold – Norway
  • Outstanding Legal Scholar Award: Dr. Andrew Lee

Geneva, 1967

  • Outstanding Jurist of the World Award: René Cassin – France. Further in 1968, he was awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize for his human rights work
  • Outstanding Legal Scholar of the World Award: C. Wilfred Jenks, Dep. ILO – U.K.
  • Outstanding National Chairman Award: Jus. Charles Bright – Australia

Washington, 1965

  • World Law Research Award: Prof. Julius Stone – Australia
  • World Lawyer Award: Chaudri Nazir Ahmad Khan – Pakistan

Speaker Information


Barcelona, Spain – 19th to 21st May, 2016

Barcelona Conference Program


                                                             Sponsored by: PECB EUROPE




Panel 1. Justice, Civil Service and the Internet

  • Ben Grifith – An active member of WJA for the past 25 years. He was a chapter author in Local Government in the Computer Age (ABA Section of State and Local Government Law, Martha Chumbler, Ed. 2009) and is an IMLA Local Government Fellow, Chair of IMLA’s International Steering Committee.

Conference – The vulnerabilities of local Governments to cyber-attacks. 

  • Sorell Negro – Lawyer in Robinson&Cole’s Miami office, where she helps clients with real property and environmental disputes.   She represents large institutional clients including multinational corporations, nonprofit organizations, and local and regional government entities.

Conference – Government Control of Electronic Information: The Finer Line between Serving and Suppressing the Public Interest.

  • Steve Meyers – Attorney who has represented governmental agencies for over 40 years. He is admitted to all state and federal courts in California and to the United States Supreme Court. An active member of the World Jurist Association and the International Municipal Lawyers Association, Mr. Meyers has been a frequent contributor to WJA proceedings for many years on issues of law and public policy.

Conference – Electronic Mail, Social Media, the Internet and Freedom of Information Laws.  

  • Peter Falk – Principal IT-Consultant, (Strategisches IT-Consulting) at Fujitsu. German EDV Gerichtstag, E-Justice at Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication.

Conference – Electronic business processes in the administration of justice. Challenges and success factors in the context of digital media.

  • Sven Kohlmeier – Attorney at Law, certified specialist on IT Law German deputy, lawyer and expert on judicial policy. Deputy. Member of Deputy’s Chamber of Berlin.

Conference – Digitalization: a Challenge for Justice.

  • Agustí Cerrillo – Professor of Administrative Law at ‘Universitat Oberta de Catalunya’. Currently, he is the Ombudsman of the University. He has published books and journal articles on e-government, public integrity and the fight against corruption, public transparency and the dissemination of public sector information through the Internet and governance of development cooperation. At present, his research is focused on the impact of ICT on Public Administration and Administrative Law and transparency and integrity in Public Administration.

Conference – Open Data Regulation: An Opportunity to Increase Transparency. 

  • Kim Quarles – First Vice-President of the World Jurist Association.  Senior Vice President, Executive Risks at Willis of New York.

Conference –  Law firms and cyber-ethical obligations.

Panel 2. The Internet and the Corporate World.

  • Steve Cahill – Steve has spent the past five years as Country Manager Spain & General Manager of the pan-European Shared Service Centre, for Colt Technology Services, a wholly owned subsidiary of Fidelity, the private US Investment Bank.  Steve has 40 years’ experience at executive management level in the international ICT sector having worked in over 40 countries across five continents for subsidiaries of EMC, Fujitsu, France Telecom, Steinhoff Group, and Colt.  During this time Steve has been responsible for leading strategic change at a global level, in both line and staff management roles, for a variety of functions ranging from Customer Service, Supply Chain, Procurement, Operations, through to Sales, Finance and Commercial.

Conference – Internet: the Age of Ignorance or Knowledge. 

  • Pierre Dewez – Founder and CEO of PECB Europe, in charge of business development and international relations with customers and partners. Active in the field of Information Technology for over 18 years as quality and information security auditor, Pierre comes from the academic world (Professor of Literacy and History from Ulg and UCL in Belgium, 1996) and has an MBA from Stanford University (1997). Pierre has built his experience in compliance in the insurance industry as general secretary of the Legal Protection Office of Ethias (2nd Belgian insurer) and is internationally recognized as a senior expert in the areas of compliance, Quality, information security, risk management and continuity of information technology.
  • Juan Andrés Avilés – IBM Technical Leader. Chief Technology Officer of Enterprise Business Units in Spain. Business development in the area of Cognitive Computing (Watson).

Conference – The Cognitive Computing.

  • Agustín Argelich – Telecom Engineer trained at La Salle, Ramón Llull University of Barcelona. Founder and principal consultant at Argelich Networks, an independent ICT consultancy company. Technological Director of the IX Paralympic Games of Barcelona’92 Olympic Organising Committee. Expert in Unified Communications, Collaboration solutions and telecom expenses management. Member of the International Society of Communications Technologies Consultants (SCTC).

Conference – A Networked World.

Panel 3. Digital Taxation and Money Laundering.

  • Tulio Raul Rosembuj Erujmovich – Director of European Fiscal Law Course at the ‘Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli’, (LUISS) Rome. Former Professor of Financial and Tax Law at the University of Barcelona.

Conference – Taxing Digital. Cryptocurrency and the Bit Coin.

Panel 4. Cybercrime, the Penal Code, and the Internet

  • Miriam Guardiola Salmerón – Attorney at Law, specialist in Criminal Law, Cybercrime (grooming, sexting, dating violence).

Conference – Cybercrime: new risks, new challenges.

  • Alexander Löw – CEO at Data-Warehouse GmbH. Member of the SME council of DWT. Ext. personal data protection officer. Member of Cyber-Securitycouncil Germany.

Conference – Effectivity and impact of a surveilling jurisdication vs. democratic principles.

  • José Ramon Agustina – Professor at the International University of Catalonia. Director of the Criminal Law Department at the UIC. Coordinator of the Legal, Forensic and Criminological Psychopathology Master and is director of Cyber – Delinquency Master amongst other formative programs. He was Visiting Scholar at Cambridge University, Pace Law School, Rutgers School of Law y Texas State University. He published more than 30 articles in prestigious journals and 3 monographs. He is currently directing the “Colección Actualidad Criminológica y Penal” at BdeF-Edisofer publisher.

Conference – Legal issues in identifying and deterring online child grooming.

  • Alberto Jurado Salazar – Professor of Criminal Law in Rafael Urdaneta University, Maracaibo (Venezuela)

Conference – Criminalization of Online Contents in Venezuela.

Panel 5. Data Protection, Social Media, and Freedom.

  • Ann Cavoukian – Executive Director of the Privacy and Big Data Institute at Ryerson University. Former Information and Privacy Commissioner for the Canadian province of Ontario serving from 1997 to 2014.

Conference – Privacy Forms the Foundation of Freedom and Liberty.

  • José Luis Piñar – Professor of Administrative Law, Attorney at Law, Chair  of ‘Google Cathedra on Privacy, Society and Innovation’, Director of Master Programs on Data Protection, Transparency and Access to Information at the University CEU San Pablo, Madrid. Former Director of the Spanish Privacy Agency.
  • Àngels Barbarà i Fondevila – Catalan Data Protection Authority Director since 18th July, 2012, appointed by the Parliament Plenary.

Conference – New technologies and its impact on individual’s rights and freedoms.

  • Alba Bosch – Legal officer at the Policy and Consultation Unit of the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS).

Conference – EU-U.S. Privacy Shield.

  • Victor Roselló – Attorney at Law and CIPP/E, specialist in IT Law.

Conference – Social Media, Big Data and Privacy Risks.

  • Ethia Simha – President of the World Association of Lawyers (WAL). Attorney-at-Law & Notary Public, Ethia Simha Law Office; former advisor to two Israeli Prime-Ministers; former Head of Israeli women’s delegations to the UN commissions; member of the Board of Governors of The International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists; chairperson of the international committee of the Jerusalem Bar Association; WJA National President for Israel; chairperson of the Jerusalem Cancer Association; owner of awards in Israel and abroad; and former International Honorary Secretary of the International Alliance of Women (an umbrella Association of women’s organizations) and its representative at the U.N. commissions especially the Crime Prevention Branch.

Conference – Freedom of Expression in the Digital Era. 

  • Glendeline F. Croes – Attorney at HPCD International (Aruba)

 Conference – Cybercrime and Cybersecurity in the Aviation Industry.

Panel 6. The Internet: Challenges for China.

  • Tao Kaiyuan – Grand Justice, Vice President of the Supreme People’s Court of China.

Conference – Internet and Justice in China. 

  • Fan Mingzhi – Magistrate of the Supreme People’s Court of China.

Conference – Challenges of Cyber Crimes to Chinese Criminal Law and Countermeasures. 

  • Li Ping – Magistrate of the Supreme People’s Court of China.

Conference – Present Situation of Cyber Terrorism in China and Legal Countermeasures. 

  • Jiang Qiang – Magistrate of the Supreme People’s Court of China.

Conference –  Development of China’s Personal Information Protection in the Internet Age.



China 2014 IP Law Conference: International Perspectives on Intellectual Property Protection

          Shanghai, China November 2-4, 2014              


(International Speakers Only)

Tentative Program PDF

ALEXANDER J. BĚLOHLÁVEK (CZECH REPUBLIC), Univ. Prof., Prof. zw., dr. iur. et mgr., DI/MB (oec), dr.h.c.

Professor on the Dept. of Law, Faculty of Economics, Technical University Ostrava (Czech Republic); Prof. zw. –Department of International Law and International Relations, Faculty of Law and Administration, WSM Warsaw (Poland). Visiting Univ. Professor, Dept. of International Law, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University Brno (Czech Republic); Attorney-at-Law in Prague (Czech Republic) – branch office New Jersey (USA). Member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, International Chamber of Commerce, Paris (France). Head of the Commission on Arbitration, ICC National Committee, Czech Republic. President of the World Jurist Association (WJA) in Washington D.C. ( USA). Arbitrator in Prague (Czech Republic), Vienna (Austria), Kyiv (Ukraine), Moscow (Russia), Almaty (Kazakhstan), Vilnius (Lithuania), Chissinau (Moldova), Ljubljana (Slovenia), Warsaw (Poland), Sofia (Bulgaria), Arbitrator pursuant to UNCITRAL Rules. Member of ABA (American Bar Association), ASA (Swiss Arbitration Association), ASIL (American Society of International Law), CAK (Czech Bar Association) DIS (Deutsches Institut für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit), ArbAut (Austrian Arbitration Association), IBA (International Bar Association), ICC (International Chamber of Commerce), ILA (International Law Association – headquarters branch London), Associated Member of the Law Society of England and Wales etc. Areas of interest and expertise: Private and procedural international law; international law; international trade and foreign trade; international financial and banking law; EU Law; commercial law and companies law (incl. international investment, M&A); international transport (especially air transport); international insolvency law; and arbitration and alternative dispute resolution.

PROFESSOR DR. KAREL KLÍMA                  

Prof. Klima is a University Professor specializing in constitutional law. He is also the Head of Department of the Legal Specialisations and Public Administration at the Metropolitan University in Prague (Czech Republic); a Professor at Law Faculty at the Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia); Professor at the University of the Natural and Social Sciencies at Siedlce (Poland); and a Member of World Jurist Association Board of Governors where he holds the office of President for the World Association of Law Professors (WALP) of the WJA.


Judge of the Supreme Administrative Court in Warsaw (Poland); fullProfessor at the Law Faculty, University in Bialystok and at Leon Kozminski Academy in Warsaw (Poland); Head of the Intellectual Property Institute at the Law Faculty, University in Bialystok; Judge at the Supreme Administrative Court in Warsaw (Poland). Areas of interest include Intellectual property law; Civil law; Protection of personal rights; Media law; Public and private economic and commercial law. Author of 120 publications in Polish and English. Academic -Doctorate degree in law (1996) in the field of copyright law and civil law. Professor of intellectual property law, media law, public economic law (since January 2008.


Vít Horáček has been with Glatzova & Co. since its foundation in 1994. Besides litigation and arbitration, his practice concentrates on telecommunications and IT, legal advice on real estates, utilities transactions and intellectual property. Education:  Law Faculty of Charles University in Prague (graduated 1991, doctorate 1993), University of Birmingham, post-graduate studies (1993); Associate since: 1995; Partner since: 1996; Career history: Bubník & Myslil, Prague (1992 – 1994), part-time attorney in trading companies (1990 – 1992); Membership: Member of the Czech Bar Association, Arbitrator at the permanent Czech Arbitration Court at the Economic Chamber of the Czech Republic and Agrarian Chamber of the Czech Republic, Assistant Professor at the Charles University, Prague, Faculty of Law, Arbitrator at the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), Arbitrator at Football Association of the Czech Republic, Arbitrator at the Arbitration at the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Arbitrator at the Arbitration Court attached to the Czech-Moravian Commodity Exchange, Kladno (Czech Republic), Member of the International Bar Association, Member of the Academic Senate of the University of Economics and Management (2001-2004), Member of the Association Internationale de Jeunes Avocats, Member of the Czech Society for International Law, Member of the Board of Editors – internet magazine www.stavebni-forum.czAwards: leading lawyer at Chambers Global 2014 – Litigation category; leading lawyer in Arbitration & Litigation category and highly recommended lawyer in TMT category at Chambers Europe 2014, recommended lawyer at The Legal 500 – Dispute resolution and TMT categories, leading lawyer 2013 at Best Lawyers – Technology category; Languages: Czech, English, German, French, Russian


Judge, Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan – Appointed as permanent Judge of Azad Jammu & Kashmir High Court by the President of Azad Jammu & Kashmir on the advice of Chairman Azad Jammu & Kashmir Council (Prime Minister of Pakistan) under the interim constitution Act 1974, and took oath before the Chief Justice of Azad Jammu & Kashmir High Court on March 13, 2013. Justice Khan also serves as Chairman Drug Court of Azad Jammu & Kashmir vide Government under Notification Dated June 4, 2013. Justice Khan was elected unopposed as first President of District Bar Association of Sudhnooti (Pallandri) for 1995/1996. In 1999 firstly was elected as member of newly established Azad Jammu & Kashmir Bar Council and thereafter was also elected for 2nd and 3rd term and was Senior Most member of Bar Council at the time of elevation to High Court Azad Jammu Kashmir. In 2002, was elected un-opposed Vice Chairman of Azad Jammu & Kashmir Bar Council for 2002/2003; member of High Court Lawyers enrollment Committee of AJ&K Bar Council for 8/10 years; member of Supreme Court Lawyers Enrollment Committee of AJ&K Bar Council for about 4/6 years; member of many other Committees of Azad Jammu & Kashmir Bar Council including Rules Framing Committee, Legal Education Committee, Kashmir Committee, etc. Justice Khan has performed the duties of Head of Department (Honorary) of Law Faculty in Mohi-ud-Din Islamic University Nerian Sharif (AJ&K) for about 10 years, and has been an External Examiner of law department of Azad Jammu & Kashmir University Muzaffrabad (for some LLB Papers) for about 5/6 years.