Category: Past Conferences

Past Conference Content

Colombian Democracy, awarded with the World Peace & Liberty Award

The President of Colombia, Iván Duque, was in charge of closing this edition of the World Law Congress and received from the hands of King Felipe VI, the World Peace & Liberty Award, granted by the World Jurist Association. He did so on behalf of Colombian society, recognized with this award for being the longest-lived democracy in the region, and which has an impact on the strengthening and promotion of freedom and the rule of law above the vicissitudes. Iván Duque assured that “Colombian democracy has been solid and will be solid because it has passed the most arduous tests, has faced civil wars, terrorism, drug trafficking, the vicissitudes of natural disasters and has had to undergo demanding tests, but we full of joy that it is one of the oldest in the entire continent”. Along these lines, he recognized that “democracy is a triumph for regulating human activities, renewing leadership and leaving decision-making free for the people.” For Duque, “it is a moral duty to raise one’s voice against the Maduro dictatorship, because keeping silence is being accomplices. Acting within the framework of legality, international law, denouncing this regime before the International Criminal Court is what our peoples expect of us. Extending a helping hand to those who want to have hope is a categorical imperative”. of international law, denouncing this regime before the International Criminal Court is what our peoples expect of us. Extending a helping hand to those who want to have hope is a categorical imperative”. 

For his part, King Felipe VI, recipient of the World Peace & Liberty Award 2019, highlighted “Spain’s firm commitment to Colombia in its role as an Ibero-American strategic partner”, and recognized that “our government, our institutions, our cooperation and our The legal community will continue to bet on this country and its citizens”. Of the Colombian democracy, he said that “it has stood firm in the face of risks and will feel recognized, comforted and encouraged by this important distinction, because it is based on harmony, freedom and equality.” Adding that “the rule of law is not only a guarantee of freedom, but also an essential requirement to achieve economic and social development with stability and justice, because development must be built by seeking coexistence, guaranteeing security and favoring the well-being of all citizens”.

Present at the award ceremony was the president of the World Jurist Association, Javier Cremades, who remarked that “Colombia has become the best country in the region, and it is one of the few stars that shine in the sky of freedom. Today Colombians are not forced to emigrate”. He also underlined that “they are a reference and model for those countries that want to establish the peace and freedom of their fellow citizens on the right”.

The former president of the American Bar Association, Hilarie Bass, was in charge of reading the act of awarding the World Peace & Liberty Award; and the Secretary General of the Organization of American States, Luis Almagro, praised Colombian democracy. The academic director of the World Law Congress and emeritus magistrate of the Constitutional Court of Spain, Manuel Aragón Reyes, gave voice to the reading of the Barranquilla 2021 declaration.

The closing ceremony also hosted the presentation of the World Jurist Association medals of honor which, on this occasion, were presented to Antonio Ramón Villaraigosa, former mayor of Los Angeles, Hilarie Bass, former president of the American Bar Association, Patricie Lee Refo, former president of the American Bar Association, to The World Justice Project, to the Constituents of the Political Constitution of Colombia 1991, to Cheol-Kyu Hwang, president of the International Association of Attorneys General, to José Igreja Matos, president of the Union Magistrates International, and Reginald Turner, President of the American Bar Association.

The Rule of Law Index was also presented by Elizabeth Andersen, Executive Director of the World Justice Project. 

Viviane Reding, Vice President of the World Law Foundation and former Vice President of the European Commission, read the act of awarding the World Peace & Liberty Award to be presented in 2022 to Angela Merkel, former Chancellor of Germany.

The 27th edition of the World Law Congress in figures

The World Law Congress Colombia 2021, which coincided with the 30th anniversary of the 1991 Constitution of Colombia and the 200 years of the Constitution of Cúcuta, brought together more than 2,500 attendees from more than 60 countries and has had a program featuring 52 round tables and more than 300 world-class speakers.

This edition will give way to the one to be held in Geneva (Switzerland) in 2023.

The World Jurist Association signs a collaboration agreement with the International Association of Lawyers

The World Jurist Association (WJA) and the International Association of Lawyers (UIA) have signed a collaboration agreement and have done so within the framework of the UIA congress that took place in Madrid on the 28th, 29th and 30th of October. 

During its development, Javier Cremades, president of the WJA, received the medal of honor from the UIA awarded by its president, Jorge Martí Moreno. In his speech, Mr. Cremades thanked the recognition and invited all attendees to travel to Barranquilla to attend the World Law Congress Colombia 2021, which will take place on the 2nd and 3rd of December, 2021, involving “the celebration of the Rule of Law”.

The congress, which has become the largest international legal event, celebrates its 27th edition this year, under the name “Rule of Law: development for nations”. It will bring together more than 250 panelists who will pay tribute to Colombian democracy, which will be awarded with the World Peace & Liberty Award, being the first time that this recognition is awarded collectively.

The more than 35 roundtables will focus on current issues such as artificial intelligence, climate change and the role of women in law. Ultimately, the program will focus on promoting the rule of law as an instrument for the development of nations, offering a comprehensive vision of current issues that concern humanity and on which the world of law and justice must respond.

You can consult the program, as well as make the attendance registration by accessing the website through this link:

Barranquilla will become the world law capital with the celebration of the World Law Congress Colombia 2021

The World Jurist Association (WJA) has presented, along with the Ministry of Justice and Law of Colombia, and the Mayor’s Office of Barranquilla, the World Law Congress Colombia 2021 that will be held on December 2 and 3 at the Puerta de Oro Centre, in Barranquilla. Thus, La Arenosa will become the world law capital during the two days that the congress takes place, where heads of State are summoned, such as Iván Duque and Felipe VI, King of Spain, presidents and judges of high and international courts, general prosecutors and representatives of international organizations; as well as academics, lawyers, businessmen, human rights activists and law students from all continents.


The program will focus on promoting the rule of law as an instrument for the development of nations, offering a comprehensive vision of current issues that concern humanity and on which the law and justice world must respond. Among the aspects to be debated are the analysis of the responses of the States to the pandemic, cybersecurity and digitization, judicial independence and the current migratory crises, among others. The more than 35 Round tables that will make up the content of the congress will integrate the vision of notorious jurists, businessmen, representatives of Colombian and international institutions, communicators and students, who support the sustainable development of humanity, and coexistence in democracy and freedom. 


During the second day, the World Peace & Liberty Award will be granted to the Colombian civil society and democracy, the longest in Latin America, for their defense, strengthening and promotion of Rule of Law over vicissitudes, and will have the participation of the President of Colombia, Iván Duque Márquez, King Felipe VI of Spain and the former presidents of Colombia Álvaro Uribe Velez, Ernesto Samper, and Andrés Pastrana, who have confirmed their attendance. In the 2020 edition, this award, considered the Nobel Prize for Law, was awarded to the recently deceased Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and in previous editions to personalities such as Sir Winston Churchill, René Cassin, Nelson Mandela and King Felipe VI of Spain. An award that all of them have received for their indisputable commitment to the rule of law and the defense of democracy and freedom.


The president of the WJA, Javier Cremades, has recognized that “we chose Colombia as host to this congress because, despite the difficulties it has faced, Colombian society has always supported living in democracy and, furthermore, the country has become the perfect setting coinciding with the 30th anniversary of the Colombian constitution and the 200th anniversary of the constitution of Cucuta”. Mr. Cremades has invited Colombian lawyers, academics, businessmen, and law students from around the world “to attend this extraordinary event that is coming to Colombia for the first time.”


Along these lines, the Minister of Justice and Law, Wilson Ruiz Orejuela, has mentioned that “for the National Government this designation is a tribute and recognition to the daily and tireless efforts made by the State and the Colombian people, strengthening the principles of the Social State of Law and guaranteeing the freedom of citizens, order and peace within the framework of the democratic system that governs us”.


For her part, María Eugenia Gay, president of the Spanish chapter of the WJA, has ensured that the exchange of ideas, reflective analysis and the practice of a constructive dialogue shielding us from prejudices and polarization, constitute today a virtue that we must procure; the World Law Congress being, precisely, an opportunity for understanding that brings together the most prominent personalities from the world of Law, Politics and Diplomacy.


Finally, the mayor of Barranquilla, Jaime Pumarejo Heins, stressed that “Barranquilla will be the world epicenter of Law, a setting where the conversation about democracy and peace is re-established through the rule of law, protecting those who do not use their strength and power of communication to prevail. From here, important points will be debated on the preservation of freedom and how to face the challenge of continuing to build solid democracies that are increasingly in tune with the needs of today’s world. We celebrate this vote of confidence in the city and the country, and for that we have been preparing in recent years, which will also generate employment, opportunities and quality of life for Barranquilla residents within the framework of the successful process of economic reactivation that we currently lead at the national level ”.


The presentation of the congress has been covered in different media and you can here see what has been said about the most important legal event at an international level:



RCN news:



You can consult the program and make the attendance record by accessing through this link:

Telework at the WLC Opening Session London

Inaugurated by the WJA President for UK, Christina Blacklaws, and Diego Solana, Coordinator of the World Law Congress Colombia 2021, the fifth Opening Session, celebrated from London on December 14, brought together Íñigo Sagardoy, Michael Burd, Renate Hornung-Draus, Daniel Funes de Rioja and Mbhazima Shilowa to discuss about teleworking.

Under the name “New ways of working and the future of work“, this new panel of dicussion focused on how current work trends should be regulated, the key factors for their transformation and the role each stakeholder should play in this field.

“In terms of work, this pandemic has changed everything, everywhere,” said Christina Blacklaws, President of WJA UK, immediate past President of the Law Society of England & Wales and President of Lawtech UK, who recognized that “we are now at the best possible moment to develop technological innovations that will change the way we deliver our services”. Blacklaws also shared data from a British study that “shows that the Covid-19 has accelerated the digital transformation by 5.3 years,” so that “we all know more about technology now than we did eight months ago”.

We are at the best time to learn technological innovations that will change the way we work

The debate began with the moderation of Iñigo Sagardoy, co-organizer of the event, president of Sagardoy Abogados and professor of labor law at the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, who introduced the speakers after analyzing that “coronavirus has accelerated the transformation of organizations and we are at a turning point from which there will be significant regulatory changes in the ways in which companies are organized.

This scenario is confirmed by Renate Hornung-Draus, regional vice-president of the International Organization of Employers for Europe and Central Asia, who assured that “although the measures taken in most western countries to contain the pandemic have accelerated the digital transformation, they have also shown some deficits in the digital infrastructure, as well as its limits”. She advocates for a hybrid model of work with physical presence in the offices, in order to create corporate culture, but always respecting individual freedom. In this matter, she pointed out the difference between teleworking and mobile working, assuring that Germany has legislation on the former: “teleworking refers to a person working from home, it is at a distance, but in a fixed workplace; and it implies that there has to be an agreement between employee and employer by which the rules are respected”.

Michael Burd, head of the employment division at Lewis Silkim (London) and an expert in telework regulation, examined how labor regulation has evolved over the years: “what we see is that legislation and regulation are lagging behind the reality of work”, and acknowledged that “the feeling I have is that it has only increased with the evolution of technology, which is increasingly rapid, and has become more intense with the changes in work practices that have forced us all to change our way of working”. For this reason, and in the event that a worker remotely provides services from another country different from that of the company, he called for “legislation that contemplates key points, such as where to pay taxes, health insurance conditions, social security…” and concluded by recognizing “that local labor legislation in some cases complicates solving the global nature of this type of work”.

With regard to the regulation and negotiation of conditions, Daniel Funes de Rioja, vice president of the International Labor Organization and president of the Argentine Business Confederation, said that “unions must adapt to new realities and contemplate the changes from the perspective of the fourth industrial revolution, otherwise, if they continue thinking in terms of the second or third, technology will evolve without them and a gap will emerge”.

On this matter, Mbhazima Shilowa, former Secretary General of the Congress of South African Trade Unions and former Prime Minister of the South African province of Gauteng, set the current situation as a starting point “to find in the upcoming years better ways to combine different aspects such as, for example, the penetration of the Internet in all places”.

Social distance and flexibility are required, but this will not be possible without quickly resolving the social difference“.

Among the changes brought about by Covid-19, there is a debate about the vaccine and how it can affect workers’ relationship with their company. Michael Burd highlighted whether employers can demand their employees to be vaccinated or terminate them for not doing so.

Medical data is considered sensitive information and this will lead to searching for a balance between privacy and security for everyone… This is about protecting health at a collective level“.

The Opening Session London was the fifth preliminary session to the World Law Congress Colombia 2021, coinciding with the 30th anniversary of the Colombian constitution. Through the projection of an institutional video, the president of the host country, Ivan Duque, has committed to “continue promoting the strengthening of the rule of law as fertile ground to allow growth and welfare, development and freedom of citizens”.



U.S. Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg presented with World Peace & Liberty Award

The Honorable Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, was presented with the World Peace & Liberty Award by the World Jurist Association and the World Law Foundation on Friday, February 7 at the American Bar Association. As the second woman nominated to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court, Justice Ginsburg was chosen in recognition of her contributions to gender equality and civil rights.

“Judges are human, and the natural state of humankind is imperfection. But despite our fallibility, it is our sacred charge to uphold the law and to administer justice fairly to all persons, no matter how powerful or small. In the years remaining to me on the United States Supreme Court bench, I will strive to do just that,” Justice Ginsburg said in accepting the award.

Javier Cremades, President of the World Jurist Association and the World Law Foundation, said, “Throughout her life, Justice Ginsburg has championed gender equality and civil rights. We are excited to recognize her exceptional achievements and honor her unfailing commitment to strengthening the rule of law.”

The World Peace & Liberty Award recognizes world leaders who have excelled in promoting peace through law. The distinction is a testament of society’s gratitude and support for the recipient’s unwavering commitment to uphold the Rule of Law, thus guaranteeing freedom. Throughout its history, and as a precursor to the World Law Foundation, the World Jurist Association has awarded individuals such as Sir Winston Churchill, René Cassin and Nelson Mandela. Last year, the King of Spain, Felipe VI received the award at the World Law Congress in Madrid.

The award ceremony for Justice Ginsburg took place at the American Bar Association in Washington D.C. “The American Bar Association will forever be grateful for Justice Ginsburg’s outstanding public service and her numerous, continuing contributions on behalf of equal justice for all under the rule of law,” ABA President Judy Perry Martinez said at the ceremony.

Related links:

World Peace & Liberty Award a Magistrada de la Corte Suprema de EEUU Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Eventos Jurídicos).

Ginsburg to present award named for her to philanthropist (Legal News)

`World Peace & Liberty Award´ a Magistrada de la Corte Suprema de EEUU Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Lawyerpress)

Ginsburg to Present Award Named for Her to Philanthropist (The New York Times)

Ginsburg to Present Award Named for Her to Philanthropist (U.S. News)

Javier Cremades entrega el “World Peace & Liberty Award” a la juez de la Corte Suprema de EE.UU. Ruth Bader Ginsburg (ConfiLegal)

La juez Ruth Bader Ginsburg: una pionera de la igualdad de género (El Mundo)

`World Peace & Liberty Award´ a Magistrada de la Corte Suprema de EEUU Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Law&Trends)

Ginsburg expresses hope amid a Senate she thinks is ‘divided sharply’ (The Hill)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Senate exemplifies trend of sticking with ‘one’s own home crowd’ (W Top)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Senate exemplifies trend of sticking with ‘one’s own home crowd’ (Head Topics)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Senate exemplifies trend of sticking with ‘one’s own home crowd’ (CNN Politics)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Senate exemplifies trend of sticking with ‘one’s own home crowd’ (ABC 17 News)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg ganó el premio “World Peace & Liberty Award” (Cambio 16)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Senate exemplifies trend of sticking with ‘one’s own home crowd’ (ktvz)

Ginsburg to present award named for her to philanthropist (Ap News)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Magistrada de la Corte Suprema de EEUU, Premio Mundial a la Paz y la Libertad de la Asociación Mundial de Juristas (Economist Jurist)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Premio Mundial a la Paz y la Libertad de la Asociación Mundial de Juristas (Lawyer Press)

World Law Congress Madrid 2019

The World Law Congress

On February 19 – 20, 2019, the World Jurist Association made Madrid the World Jurist Capital during its XXVI Biennial Congress at Teatro Real. Presided by Franklin Hoet-Linares for the period 2017-2019, the WJA organized the World Law Congress under a renovated format ideated by Javier Cremades-García, President of the Organizing Commission and WJA Vice-President for Europe. This edition gathered together different guilts within the legal profession, serving the WJA as umbrella organization for Human Rights, notaries, constitutionalists, registrars, and religious organizations, among others, to co-organize the World Law Congress (WLC).

The presentation of the WJA World Peace & Liberty Award to H.M. King Felipe VI of Spain, in presence of H.M. Queen Letizia of Spain and H.E. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, President of Portugal, represented one of the most iconic activities of the World Law Congress Madrid 2019.  On February 20, a 1750-pax plenary at the main room of Teatro Real recognized His Majesty for his unwavering commitment to the Rule of Law and his defense to Democracy and Freedom. During the Ceremony, congratulation videos sent by President of Colombia, H.E. Iván Duque, and former President of East Timor and Peace Nobel Prize Winner 1996, José Ramos Horta, were presented before His Majesty.

A total of 2,300 jurists and personalities from around the world attended the World Law Congress Madrid 2019 and its Side-Events. Nearly 230 speakers of the highest level participated during this event, most of them within the 21 panels carried out on February 19, in 7 simultaneous rooms at Teatro Real. The deliberations performed this day resulted in The Declation of Madrid 2019. Furthermore, during the event, the new logo of the World Jurist Association was presented, resulting in a totally innovative branding. 

The decision of holding the WJA XXVI Biennial Congress in Madrid was taken during the WJA Board meeting held on May 4, 2018 in Munich, Germany. The task was given to Dr. Javier Cremades García, President of Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo Lawyers, who presided the Congress with Mr. Javier Solana Madariaga, former Secretary General of OTAN. The coordination of the program was performed by the Director of the WLC and former President of the Constitutional Court of Spain, Dr. Manuel Aragón Reyes. An Organizing Commision of prominent jurists from Spain and other countries, alone with the Co-Organizing institutions, made possible the execution of a magnificent event that made history within the WJA and, furthermore, in Spain.

For Spain, the Congress and the recognition to the democratic institutions through HM the King represented a reason of great pride and transcendence, as well as a unique opportunity to support the evolution of Spanish democracy and its stability, in the framework of the 40th anniversary of the Spanish Constitution. The event had great media impacts, heading all Spanish newspapers and TV news programs, as well as different media throughout the world.

Additional to the main activities at Teatro Real, the Congress included a Side-Event with the Presidents of the European Constitutional Courts on February 18 at the Madrid Bar Association, the celebration of an Ecumenic Act at the Almudena Cathedral with leaders of the main religions of the world on February 19, and the celebration of a WJA General Assambly and the World Law Day at the Malaga Bar Association on February 21.

Finally, and following the WJA tradition, during the WJA General Assembly in Malaga, Dr. Javier Cremades García (Spain), President of the Organizing Commision of the World Law Congress and WJA Vice President for Europe, was designated by the Elections Committee as the new Worldwide President of the World Jurist Association for the period 2019-2021. Additionally, Hon. Jus. Peter Umeadi (Nigeria) was elected as President of the World Association of Judges, Prof. Jesús Becerra (Venezuela-Spain) as President of the World Association of Law Professors, Dr. Javier Lara (Spain), as President of the World Association of Lawyers, and Sven Kohlmier (Germany) as President of the Business Associates Center.

You may visit for further information on this fantastic event