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S.M. el Rey entrega el World Peace and Liberty Award a Andrew Young, icono de los derechos civiles en EEUU
Se trata del máximo galardón que entrega la World Jurist Association y reconoce el trabajo de Young por ser “líder …
La World Jurist Association entregará el World Peace and Liberty Award a Andrew Young, ícono de los derechos civiles en EEUU
>> Se trata del máximo galardón que entrega la WJA y reconoce el trabajo de Young por “el progreso social, …
Nueva York se convertirá en la capital mundial del derecho con la celebración del World Law Congress 2023
Con motivo de su 60 aniversario, la World Jurist Association (WJA) vuelve a sus raíces para la celebración del World …
La World Jurist Association realizará una Opening Session en Nueva York el próximo 13 de abril
La World Jurist Association (WJA) ha anunciado que el próximo 13 de abril realizará en la sede principal de Naciones …
Photos from Opening Session Madrid – World Law Congress Colombia 2021
(July 5-6, 2021)
- Master of Ceremonies Maria Eugenia Gay, President of the World Jurist Association Spain
- Institutional Opening by Javier Cremades Spain, President of the World Jurist Association
- Luncheon & Presentation of the World Law Congress 2021 Host City Barranquilla, presented by Arancha González Laya Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation of Spain
- Presentation of the WJA Ruth Bader Ginsburg Medal of Honor by H.M. King Felipe VI and Jane Ginsburg
- Remarks by Christine Lagarde, France, President of the European Central Bank at the Awarding of the WJA Ruth Bader Ginsburg Medal of Honor
- Closing Remarks by Viviane Reding, Luxembourg, VP of the World Law Foundation, VP of the European Commission (2010-2014)
- Mother, Jurist & Myth: I Met Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Opening Remarks by Jane Ginsburg, USA, Professor at Columbia Law School
- Moderator of panel on Mother, Jurist & Myth: I Met Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Hilarie Bass, USA, President of the American Bar Association (2017-2018)
- Panel discussion on the Development of the Role of Women in Justice in the XXI Century (Javier Moscoso del Prado, Maria Luisa Segoviano Astaburuaga, Ana Fernández-Tresguerres, Rosa Vidal, Silvia López)
- Signing ceremony for the hosting of World Law Congress 2021 event in Barranquilla, Colombia
- 5G Privacy and Cybersecurity, Keynote Speaker James M. Black II, USA, WJA President for North America, WLF Trustee, and partner at Silverman Acampora
- Awardees of the WJA Ruth Bader Ginsburg Medal of Honor
- 5G Privacy and Cybersecurity moderator Teodora Toma, Romania, Executive Director of the World Jurist Association
- Mother, Jurist & Myth: I Met Ruth Bader Ginsburg Panelist Alexandra Black, USA, University graduate
- Panel discussion, Mother, Jurist & Myth: I Met Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Amanda Tyler, Christine Lagarde, Encarnación Roca, Maria Eugenia Gay, Patricia Lee Refo, Moderator: Hilarie Bass)
- 5G Privacy and Cybersecurity Panel (Keynote Speaker James M. Black II, Eduardo Mayora, Elisa Figueiredo, Farlei Kothe, Kim Quarles, Michał Jackowski, Selena Stan, Moderator: Teodora Toma)
- Covid Related Regulations And their Effects on Citizens & Investors Panel (Keynote-Speaker Orlando Viera Blanco, David E. Kovel, Norman G. De Castro Campbell, Harald Czermak, Florin Dobre, Fabiana Menichetti, Mark Northway, Siphana Sok, Moderator: Diego Solana)
- Luncheon at the Casa de América
- Panel on The Independence of the Judiciary in Europe (Keynote Speaker & Moderator Juan José Gonzalez Rivas, Damijan Florjancic, Domnica Manole, Josep-D. Guardia Canela, Kari Kuusiniemi, Sanita Osipova)
- Covid Related Regulations And their Effects on Citizens & Investors, Panel dicussion (Keynote-Speaker Orlando Viera Blanco, David E. Kovel, Norman G. De Castro Campbell, Harald Czermak, Florin Dobre, Fabiana Menichetti, Mark Northway, Siphana Sok, Moderator Diego Solana)
- Closing of the events by Juan Carlos Campo, Spain, Minister of Justice of Spain
- Closing Remarks, H.M. King Felipe VI of Spain
- H.M. King Felipe VI of Spain awarding Christine Lagarde with the WJA Ruth Bader Ginsburg Medal of Honor
- Ecumenical Memorial Service (Moisés Bendahan, Cardinal Carlos Osoro, David Hatchwell Altaras)
- Dining room at Casa de América
- Remarks by Christine Lagarde, France, President of the European Central Bank at the Awarding of the WJA Ruth Bader Ginsburg Medal of Honor
- Gillian Triggs awarded with the WJA Ruth Bader Ginsburg Medal of Honor
- WJA Ruth Bader Ginsburg Medal of Honor
- H.M. King Felipe VI and Supreme Court Justices of Europe and the Americas