Category: Events Update

La World Jurist Association realizará una Opening Session en Nueva York el próximo 13 de abril

La World Jurist Association (WJA) ha anunciado que el próximo 13 de abril realizará en la sede principal de Naciones Unidas en la ciudad de Nueva York una Opening Session que servirá de marco para la presentación a la prensa y a la comunidad jurídica local del World Law Congress 2023 que se llevará a cabo en la ciudad estadounidense los días 20 y 21 de julio y que convertirá a Nueva York en la capital mundial del derecho.

Esta jornada, en la que también se entregarán las Medallas de Honor de la WJA a reconocidas personalidades del mundo jurídico internacional, forma parte de las diferentes sesiones que se vienen celebrando desde el pasado mes de julio en diferentes ciudades del mundo y en las que se debate el papel del Estado de Derecho para enfrentar los principales desafíos que enfrentan las sociedades actuales. Patricia Lee Refo, quien fuera presidenta de la American Bar Association, será la maestra de ceremonias.

Reconocimiento de la WJA a personalidades del mundo jurídico

El programa de la Opening Session Nueva York incluye un panel de debate sobre el Estado de Derecho, Gobierno Corporativo y Clima, que será moderado por Deborah Enix-Ross, actual presidenta de la New York City Bar, y en el que participarán: Stephen Breyer, juez retirado del Tribunal Supremo de los Estados Unidos; Kerry Kennedy, presidenta de la Fundación Robert F. Kennedy para los Derechos Humanos; Luis Almagro, secretario general de la Organización de los Estados Americanos; Richard Wagner, presidente del Tribunal Supremo de Canadá; Ignacio Sánchez Galán, presidente de Iberdrola..

Durante el evento también se llevará a cabo la entrega de la Medalla de Honor de la WJA a distinguidas personalidades, entre las que se encuentran:

  • Stephen Breyer (EE.UU.): Juez retirado del Tribunal Supremo de EE.UU. entre los años 1994- y 2022.
  • Kerry Kennedy (EE.UU.): presidenta de la Fundación Robert F. Kennedy para los Derechos Humanos.
  • Ignacio Sánchez Galán (España): presidente de Iberdrola.
  • Richard Wagner (Canadá): presidente del Tribunal Supremo de Canadá.
  • Luis Almagro (Uruguay): secretario general de la Organización de Estados Americanos.
  • Luc Lavrysen (Bélgica): presidente del Tribunal Constitucional de Bélgica y presidente del Foro de Jueces para el Medio Ambiente de la Unión Europea
  • Brian Preston (Australia): presidente del Tribunal de Tierras y Medio Ambiente de Nueva Gales del Sur.

Se trata de un reconocimiento que, desde 1965, ha entregado la World Jurist Association para reconocer a personalidades destacadas a nivel mundial tanto del ámbito jurídico como de la defensa de los derechos humanos y que en el pasado han recibido primeros ministros, presidentes, ministros, magistrados, fiscales, jueces, académicos, abogados, directores de organizaciones internacionales y miembros destacados de la WJA que han contribuido ampliamente a la consecución de los objetivos de la organización.

Presentación del World Law Congress 2023

La Opening Session Nueva York terminará con otra mesa de debate sobre los nuevos horizontes del Estado de Derecho que contará con la participación del presidente de la World Jurist Association, Javier Cremades, y del Juez retirado del Tribunal Supremo de EE.UU. Stephen Breyer.

Posteriormente, se realizará la presentación oficial del World Law Congress Nueva York 2023, un evento de dos días en el que líderes mundiales, incluidos jefes de Estado, magistrados, responsables políticos, académicos, abogados, activistas y estudiantes, debatirán una amplia variedad de temas de actualidad a los que la comunidad jurídica debe proponer soluciones.

La 28ª edición de este evento se realizará los días 20 y 21 de julio en Nueva York y contará con la participación de 250 panelistas de todo el mundo. Además, en el encuentro se otorgará el World Peace & Liberty Award 2023 a una personalidad o institución mundial que se haya distinguido por su compromiso con la promoción de la paz a través del derecho y la libertad; un galardón que se ha concedido anteriormente a Sir Winston Churchill, Nelson Mandela, René Cassin, Felipe VI Rey de España, Ruth Bader Ginsburg y, en su última edición, a la sociedad colombiana, recibido por el presidente Iván Duque.

Programa completo del World Law Congress 2023.


Will War Accelerate Energy Transition?

The World Jurist Association (WJA) organized the panel “Degassing Europe: Will War Accelerate the Energy Transition?” which is the first Opening Session of the “on-going” World Law Congress 2023. This virtual meeting brought together Miguel Arias Cañete, former European Commissioner for Climate Action; Cristina Lobillo Borrero, Director of Energy Policy at the Directorate General for Energy of the European Commission; and Javier de Cendra, Dean of the Law School of the University Francisco de Vitoria and expert in Environmental Law. 

Viviane Reding, vice-president of the World Law Foundation and former vice-president of the European Commission, moderated the debate, inaugurated by Javier Cremades, president of the WJA. During his speech, President Cremades stressed that “the energy transition is taking place in an unprecedented context in the 21st century. With the war in Ukraine, the conflict unleashed by Moscow, violating international law, has revealed the dependence of Europe and many other regions on Russian fossil fuels”.

During the debate, the panel agreed on the fact that the European Union is fully committed to the objectives of decarbonization by 2055, which implies a progressive abandonment of fossil fuels, and its total substitution by clean energies: renewables, green hydrogen, etc. The so-called energy transition process, which is currently taking place, will achieve a triple objective once complete: cheaper, non-polluting and self-sufficiency.

It was also mentioned that the war in Ukraine has highlighted the urgent need to eliminate the current EU’s energy dependence on Russia by 2030 at the latest, and if possible, by 2027.

Panelists also agreed that energy transition towards decarbonization and independence from Russia are not contradictory goals; on the contrary, they are mutually reinforcing. The most effective way to achieve European energy self-sufficiency is to accelerate the transition in all its dimensions: increasing the contribution of renewables, energy efficiency and savings, new technologies, and in particular, green hydrogen. This philosophy underlies the Commission’s Repower communication, which confirms and reinforces the general objectives contained in the Fit for 55’s communication, approved by the European Council.

The world is currently immersed in a global crisis, which goes beyond the war in Ukraine, and even beyond the post-COVID 19 pandemic. Panelists remarked that this situation poses major challenges to the energy transition process. For example, questions relating to the availability and cost of innovative technologies and that of the raw materials required; questions relating to the world economic situation, inflation, contraction, and growth; and of a geopolitical nature, the duration and extension of the conflict, de-globalization, and disruption of supply chains, etc.

The rise in energy prices is undoubtedly, and especially in its “energy poverty” dimension, one of the greatest causes for concern and a major challenge to the energy transition process. The panel agreed that corrective measures must be implemented, but they must not jeopardize either the progress achieved or the road ahead. The European energy market, as the data shows, has worked very effectively, particularly for consumers and to encourage investment in renewables. The current problem is caused by rising gas prices, and that must be solved with specific measures, targeted at vulnerable sectors.

The European Union began the energy transition process two decades ago, and has already achieved important results: in particular, the fulfillment of all the objectives set for 2020 and the positive forecast, even in anticipation, with respect to those of 2030. The EU has the most complete legislative tools and financial instruments in the world to achieve decarbonization by 2055. Although the current crisis presents significant risks, there is a conviction that the EU has the capacity to overcome them, even to accelerate the process. 



Colombian Democracy, awarded with the World Peace & Liberty Award

The President of Colombia, Iván Duque, was in charge of closing this edition of the World Law Congress and received from the hands of King Felipe VI, the World Peace & Liberty Award, granted by the World Jurist Association. He did so on behalf of Colombian society, recognized with this award for being the longest-lived democracy in the region, and which has an impact on the strengthening and promotion of freedom and the rule of law above the vicissitudes. Iván Duque assured that “Colombian democracy has been solid and will be solid because it has passed the most arduous tests, has faced civil wars, terrorism, drug trafficking, the vicissitudes of natural disasters and has had to undergo demanding tests, but we full of joy that it is one of the oldest in the entire continent”. Along these lines, he recognized that “democracy is a triumph for regulating human activities, renewing leadership and leaving decision-making free for the people.” For Duque, “it is a moral duty to raise one’s voice against the Maduro dictatorship, because keeping silence is being accomplices. Acting within the framework of legality, international law, denouncing this regime before the International Criminal Court is what our peoples expect of us. Extending a helping hand to those who want to have hope is a categorical imperative”. of international law, denouncing this regime before the International Criminal Court is what our peoples expect of us. Extending a helping hand to those who want to have hope is a categorical imperative”. 

For his part, King Felipe VI, recipient of the World Peace & Liberty Award 2019, highlighted “Spain’s firm commitment to Colombia in its role as an Ibero-American strategic partner”, and recognized that “our government, our institutions, our cooperation and our The legal community will continue to bet on this country and its citizens”. Of the Colombian democracy, he said that “it has stood firm in the face of risks and will feel recognized, comforted and encouraged by this important distinction, because it is based on harmony, freedom and equality.” Adding that “the rule of law is not only a guarantee of freedom, but also an essential requirement to achieve economic and social development with stability and justice, because development must be built by seeking coexistence, guaranteeing security and favoring the well-being of all citizens”.

Present at the award ceremony was the president of the World Jurist Association, Javier Cremades, who remarked that “Colombia has become the best country in the region, and it is one of the few stars that shine in the sky of freedom. Today Colombians are not forced to emigrate”. He also underlined that “they are a reference and model for those countries that want to establish the peace and freedom of their fellow citizens on the right”.

The former president of the American Bar Association, Hilarie Bass, was in charge of reading the act of awarding the World Peace & Liberty Award; and the Secretary General of the Organization of American States, Luis Almagro, praised Colombian democracy. The academic director of the World Law Congress and emeritus magistrate of the Constitutional Court of Spain, Manuel Aragón Reyes, gave voice to the reading of the Barranquilla 2021 declaration.

The closing ceremony also hosted the presentation of the World Jurist Association medals of honor which, on this occasion, were presented to Antonio Ramón Villaraigosa, former mayor of Los Angeles, Hilarie Bass, former president of the American Bar Association, Patricie Lee Refo, former president of the American Bar Association, to The World Justice Project, to the Constituents of the Political Constitution of Colombia 1991, to Cheol-Kyu Hwang, president of the International Association of Attorneys General, to José Igreja Matos, president of the Union Magistrates International, and Reginald Turner, President of the American Bar Association.

The Rule of Law Index was also presented by Elizabeth Andersen, Executive Director of the World Justice Project. 

Viviane Reding, Vice President of the World Law Foundation and former Vice President of the European Commission, read the act of awarding the World Peace & Liberty Award to be presented in 2022 to Angela Merkel, former Chancellor of Germany.

The 27th edition of the World Law Congress in figures

The World Law Congress Colombia 2021, which coincided with the 30th anniversary of the 1991 Constitution of Colombia and the 200 years of the Constitution of Cúcuta, brought together more than 2,500 attendees from more than 60 countries and has had a program featuring 52 round tables and more than 300 world-class speakers.

This edition will give way to the one to be held in Geneva (Switzerland) in 2023.

The international legal community inaugurated the World Law Congress Colombia 2021

More than 1500 attendees are participants in the 27th edition of the World Law Congress that for two days besieged Barranquilla as the world capital of law. A congress organized by the World Jurist Association (WJA), which coincided with the 30th anniversary of the 1991 Constitution of Colombia and the 200 years of the Constitution of Cúcuta.

Javier Cremades, President of the WJA, inaugurated this congress in which, he says, “a noble objective reigns, which is the defense of the freedom of each one of the people in all corners of the world, because tyranny and arbitrariness continue occupying spaces of power”. He was accompanied by Wilson Ruiz Orejuela, Minister of Justice of Colombia and President of the local organizing committee, who recognized that “this event is built between all, like democracy “, and pointed out that” we must involve the different actors of society in strengthening justice in the world, ensuring that rights are realities for all and not privileges for some. ” As minister, he showed “the absolute certainty that the Ministry will always work for an open and harmonious dialogue.”

For his part, Jaime Pumarejo, Mayor of Barranquilla, insisted that “democracy be promoted and promulgated among the youngest” and stressed that “all human beings must have the dignity of having rights.” Also participating in the opening of the event was Margarita Cabello, Attorney General of the Nation of Colombia and former Minister of Justice, who pointed out that “during the pandemic we managed to reconcile democracy and law, maintaining control of the rules without sacrificing a situation marked by the urgency; and the law responded”. Francisco Barbosa, attorney general of Colombia, recognized that “if there is no justice, democracy cannot be sustained in a territory, because once the prosecution or justice is lost, obviously the rule of law cannot be upheld.” Viviane Reding, Vice President of the World Law Foundation and former Vice President of the European Commission, she was also part of the opening ceremony, along with Cheol-Kyu Hwang, President of the International Association of Attorneys General, as well as Dairo Mora, President of Civilec. José Igreja Matos, president of the International Union of Magistrates, stressed that “without legality there is no freedom.” Manuel Aragón Reyes, academic director of the WLC and emeritus magistrate of the Constitutional Court of Spain, ruled that “without the rule of law, legal security and social and economic development are not possible.” President of the International Union of Magistrates, stressed that “without legality there is no freedom.” Manuel Aragón Reyes, academic director of the WLC and emeritus magistrate of the Constitutional Court of Spain, ruled that “without the rule of law, legal security and social and economic development are not possible.” President of the International Union of Magistrates, stressed that “without legality there is no freedom.” Manuel Aragón Reyes, academic director of the WLC and emeritus magistrate of the Constitutional Court of Spain, ruled that “without the rule of law, legal security and social and economic development are not possible.”

The round of interventions was closed by Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director general of the World Health Organization, who intervened telematically and assured that “the laws and regulations designed to keep people safe have faced intrepid resistance from the public. , and some governments have abused emergency measures to justify repression. This has become a two-way pandemic. “

Throughout the day, the 52 tables that make up this congress and that dealt with the Rule of Law as the axis for the development of nations and democracy, digitization, the pandemic and sustainability, energy and climate change. The panelists included personalities such as Rigoberta Menchú, Nobel Peace Prize winner, Luis Almagro, Secretary General of the Organization of American States, Manuel Valls, former Prime Minister of France, Leonel Fernández, former President of the Dominican Republic, judges of the International Criminal Court, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, the European Union Court of Human Rights and presidents of high courts, among others.

World Peace & Liberty Award

In the afternoon, the World Peace & Liberty Award monument, located in the Plaza de la Paz, was inaugurated. It is a donation made by the WJA to Colombia, in whose civil society and democracy, the longest in Latin America, it recognizes the defense, strengthening and promotion of the rule of law over and above the vicissitudes. This event was attended by the President of Colombia, Iván Duque, His Majesty the King of Spain, the Mayor of Barranquilla, and the President of the World Jurist Association, among other prominent legal personalities who were in Barranquilla. They were in charge of making this award official on the second day during the closing ceremony with the reading of the award ceremony.

The First Lady of Colombia moderated the first debate of the World Law Congress

Mrs. María Juliana Ruiz, First Lady of the Republic of Colombia, moderated the panel “Women and consolidation of the rule of law” that served as a luxury appetizer for the XXVII World Law Congress held by the World Jurist Association in Barranquilla. The first lady assured that “we must build the future in a better way and do so through the law, which provides a legal, juridical, human and social framework.” And he stressed the importance of “teaching our girls the principle of equity, the fairness of everything based on respect, and that they do not have to learn more than anyone else, or be more than anyone, just be aware that they are part of a society and have rights and duties”. He added that in Colombia more than 50% of law students are women and more than 50% of those who practice are women, but less than 15% of them exercise the profession in managerial positions or with high salary, social or business recognition. “It seems paradoxical that having a majority of representation, we continue to be a minority in the ability to fully exercise it”, he added.

In this exclusive discussion for the media, the former Bolivian Minister of Foreign Relations participated during Janine Áñez’s term, Karen Longaric, who assured that she always tries to motivate her female students “so that they are encouraged to challenge that woman in a more secure way. deeply macho society and so that they can venture into different areas that have been a privilege for men, such as the judiciary, for example”. Along these lines, the first and only female president of the Constitutional Court of Chile, Marisol Peña Torres, recognized that “for 20 years until now the situation is much more equitable, since the new generations have learned to share the responsibilities of the home, and this point is important”. And he added that “it is not a fight or a claim against men,

For her part, the former president of the American Bar Association, Patricia Lee “Trish” Refo, pointed out the difficulty of being a woman and a lawyer in the United States, although she clarified that not impossible, despite the fact that it is the most common. In this regard, the president of the World Jurist Association (WJA) Spain and dean of the Barcelona Bar Association, María Eugenia Gay, highlighted that “in Spain there is a pyramidal structure in the field of justice that is alarming, because in the At the base, there is a majority presence of women and when ascending there is only a male presence, and that is why the necessary modernization of state structures is unquestionable”. At this meeting, which was presented by Manuel Aragón Reyes, academic director of the World Law Congress and emeritus magistrate of the Constitutional Court of Spain,

World Jurist Association Medals of Honor

During this day, the WJA awarded its Medal of Honor to the First Lady, who acknowledged collecting it “on behalf of all Colombian women and those of all nations, who work to achieve this visibility and ability to fully develop”. 

In addition, they were also delivered to co-organizers and sponsors of the congress. They were honored Wilson Ruiz Orejuela, President of the Organizing Committee of the World Law Congress Colombia 2021 and Minister of Justice of Colombia, Jaime Pumarejo Heins, Mayor of Barranquilla, Grupo Mutua Madrileña and Seguros del Estado, represented by Jaime Montalvo, and Francisco “Paco” Rodríguez collected the medal on behalf of The Icon, the tallest skyscraper in Barranquilla that precisely hosted this meeting with the media.

Rafel Puyol, president of the University of La Rioja, UNIR, Jorge Martí Moreno, president of the International Union of Lawyers (UIA), and María Eugenia Gay were also decorated. On Friday, December 3, during the development of the congress, the delivery of medals to other personalities and institutions will continue.

The World Jurist Association signs a collaboration agreement with the International Association of Lawyers

The World Jurist Association (WJA) and the International Association of Lawyers (UIA) have signed a collaboration agreement and have done so within the framework of the UIA congress that took place in Madrid on the 28th, 29th and 30th of October. 

During its development, Javier Cremades, president of the WJA, received the medal of honor from the UIA awarded by its president, Jorge Martí Moreno. In his speech, Mr. Cremades thanked the recognition and invited all attendees to travel to Barranquilla to attend the World Law Congress Colombia 2021, which will take place on the 2nd and 3rd of December, 2021, involving “the celebration of the Rule of Law”.

The congress, which has become the largest international legal event, celebrates its 27th edition this year, under the name “Rule of Law: development for nations”. It will bring together more than 250 panelists who will pay tribute to Colombian democracy, which will be awarded with the World Peace & Liberty Award, being the first time that this recognition is awarded collectively.

The more than 35 roundtables will focus on current issues such as artificial intelligence, climate change and the role of women in law. Ultimately, the program will focus on promoting the rule of law as an instrument for the development of nations, offering a comprehensive vision of current issues that concern humanity and on which the world of law and justice must respond.

You can consult the program, as well as make the attendance registration by accessing the website through this link: