4th Annual Arbitration and Investment Summit
Caribbean, Latin America and Other Emerging Markets
Registration Form 4th Summit Bahama
Issued: 12 November 2015
Registration Form 4th Summit Bahama
Issued: 12 November 2015
Letter from the President
Dr. Franklin Hoet Linares
These are not times for extended speeches. Inter-pares as we are, nobody can pretend to impress his own colleagues and companions during decades. On the contrary, it’s time indeed for action, recovery and reconstruction. We don’t have another alternative than to succeed or to permit that the WJA continues to languish. Continue reading “Letter From the President” →
The 2015-2017 Board of Governors has been announced following uncontested elections held on June 27, 2015. Members take office immediately and serve for a 2-year term. Continue reading “2015-2017 Board of Governors Announced” →
Se trata del máximo galardón que entrega la World Jurist Association y reconoce el trabajo de Young por ser “líder …
>> Se trata del máximo galardón que entrega la WJA y reconoce el trabajo de Young por “el progreso social, …
Con motivo de su 60 aniversario, la World Jurist Association (WJA) vuelve a sus raíces para la celebración del World …
La World Jurist Association (WJA) ha anunciado que el próximo 13 de abril realizará en la sede principal de Naciones …