Author: World Jurist Admin

The international legal community inaugurated the World Law Congress Colombia 2021

More than 1500 attendees are participants in the 27th edition of the World Law Congress that for two days besieged Barranquilla as the world capital of law. A congress organized by the World Jurist Association (WJA), which coincided with the 30th anniversary of the 1991 Constitution of Colombia and the 200 years of the Constitution of Cúcuta.

Javier Cremades, President of the WJA, inaugurated this congress in which, he says, “a noble objective reigns, which is the defense of the freedom of each one of the people in all corners of the world, because tyranny and arbitrariness continue occupying spaces of power”. He was accompanied by Wilson Ruiz Orejuela, Minister of Justice of Colombia and President of the local organizing committee, who recognized that “this event is built between all, like democracy “, and pointed out that” we must involve the different actors of society in strengthening justice in the world, ensuring that rights are realities for all and not privileges for some. ” As minister, he showed “the absolute certainty that the Ministry will always work for an open and harmonious dialogue.”

For his part, Jaime Pumarejo, Mayor of Barranquilla, insisted that “democracy be promoted and promulgated among the youngest” and stressed that “all human beings must have the dignity of having rights.” Also participating in the opening of the event was Margarita Cabello, Attorney General of the Nation of Colombia and former Minister of Justice, who pointed out that “during the pandemic we managed to reconcile democracy and law, maintaining control of the rules without sacrificing a situation marked by the urgency; and the law responded”. Francisco Barbosa, attorney general of Colombia, recognized that “if there is no justice, democracy cannot be sustained in a territory, because once the prosecution or justice is lost, obviously the rule of law cannot be upheld.” Viviane Reding, Vice President of the World Law Foundation and former Vice President of the European Commission, she was also part of the opening ceremony, along with Cheol-Kyu Hwang, President of the International Association of Attorneys General, as well as Dairo Mora, President of Civilec. José Igreja Matos, president of the International Union of Magistrates, stressed that “without legality there is no freedom.” Manuel Aragón Reyes, academic director of the WLC and emeritus magistrate of the Constitutional Court of Spain, ruled that “without the rule of law, legal security and social and economic development are not possible.” President of the International Union of Magistrates, stressed that “without legality there is no freedom.” Manuel Aragón Reyes, academic director of the WLC and emeritus magistrate of the Constitutional Court of Spain, ruled that “without the rule of law, legal security and social and economic development are not possible.” President of the International Union of Magistrates, stressed that “without legality there is no freedom.” Manuel Aragón Reyes, academic director of the WLC and emeritus magistrate of the Constitutional Court of Spain, ruled that “without the rule of law, legal security and social and economic development are not possible.”

The round of interventions was closed by Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director general of the World Health Organization, who intervened telematically and assured that “the laws and regulations designed to keep people safe have faced intrepid resistance from the public. , and some governments have abused emergency measures to justify repression. This has become a two-way pandemic. “

Throughout the day, the 52 tables that make up this congress and that dealt with the Rule of Law as the axis for the development of nations and democracy, digitization, the pandemic and sustainability, energy and climate change. The panelists included personalities such as Rigoberta Menchú, Nobel Peace Prize winner, Luis Almagro, Secretary General of the Organization of American States, Manuel Valls, former Prime Minister of France, Leonel Fernández, former President of the Dominican Republic, judges of the International Criminal Court, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, the European Union Court of Human Rights and presidents of high courts, among others.

World Peace & Liberty Award

In the afternoon, the World Peace & Liberty Award monument, located in the Plaza de la Paz, was inaugurated. It is a donation made by the WJA to Colombia, in whose civil society and democracy, the longest in Latin America, it recognizes the defense, strengthening and promotion of the rule of law over and above the vicissitudes. This event was attended by the President of Colombia, Iván Duque, His Majesty the King of Spain, the Mayor of Barranquilla, and the President of the World Jurist Association, among other prominent legal personalities who were in Barranquilla. They were in charge of making this award official on the second day during the closing ceremony with the reading of the award ceremony.

The First Lady of Colombia moderated the first debate of the World Law Congress

Mrs. María Juliana Ruiz, First Lady of the Republic of Colombia, moderated the panel “Women and consolidation of the rule of law” that served as a luxury appetizer for the XXVII World Law Congress held by the World Jurist Association in Barranquilla. The first lady assured that “we must build the future in a better way and do so through the law, which provides a legal, juridical, human and social framework.” And he stressed the importance of “teaching our girls the principle of equity, the fairness of everything based on respect, and that they do not have to learn more than anyone else, or be more than anyone, just be aware that they are part of a society and have rights and duties”. He added that in Colombia more than 50% of law students are women and more than 50% of those who practice are women, but less than 15% of them exercise the profession in managerial positions or with high salary, social or business recognition. “It seems paradoxical that having a majority of representation, we continue to be a minority in the ability to fully exercise it”, he added.

In this exclusive discussion for the media, the former Bolivian Minister of Foreign Relations participated during Janine Áñez’s term, Karen Longaric, who assured that she always tries to motivate her female students “so that they are encouraged to challenge that woman in a more secure way. deeply macho society and so that they can venture into different areas that have been a privilege for men, such as the judiciary, for example”. Along these lines, the first and only female president of the Constitutional Court of Chile, Marisol Peña Torres, recognized that “for 20 years until now the situation is much more equitable, since the new generations have learned to share the responsibilities of the home, and this point is important”. And he added that “it is not a fight or a claim against men,

For her part, the former president of the American Bar Association, Patricia Lee “Trish” Refo, pointed out the difficulty of being a woman and a lawyer in the United States, although she clarified that not impossible, despite the fact that it is the most common. In this regard, the president of the World Jurist Association (WJA) Spain and dean of the Barcelona Bar Association, María Eugenia Gay, highlighted that “in Spain there is a pyramidal structure in the field of justice that is alarming, because in the At the base, there is a majority presence of women and when ascending there is only a male presence, and that is why the necessary modernization of state structures is unquestionable”. At this meeting, which was presented by Manuel Aragón Reyes, academic director of the World Law Congress and emeritus magistrate of the Constitutional Court of Spain,

World Jurist Association Medals of Honor

During this day, the WJA awarded its Medal of Honor to the First Lady, who acknowledged collecting it “on behalf of all Colombian women and those of all nations, who work to achieve this visibility and ability to fully develop”. 

In addition, they were also delivered to co-organizers and sponsors of the congress. They were honored Wilson Ruiz Orejuela, President of the Organizing Committee of the World Law Congress Colombia 2021 and Minister of Justice of Colombia, Jaime Pumarejo Heins, Mayor of Barranquilla, Grupo Mutua Madrileña and Seguros del Estado, represented by Jaime Montalvo, and Francisco “Paco” Rodríguez collected the medal on behalf of The Icon, the tallest skyscraper in Barranquilla that precisely hosted this meeting with the media.

Rafel Puyol, president of the University of La Rioja, UNIR, Jorge Martí Moreno, president of the International Union of Lawyers (UIA), and María Eugenia Gay were also decorated. On Friday, December 3, during the development of the congress, the delivery of medals to other personalities and institutions will continue.

The World Jurist Association signs a collaboration agreement with the International Association of Lawyers

The World Jurist Association (WJA) and the International Association of Lawyers (UIA) have signed a collaboration agreement and have done so within the framework of the UIA congress that took place in Madrid on the 28th, 29th and 30th of October. 

During its development, Javier Cremades, president of the WJA, received the medal of honor from the UIA awarded by its president, Jorge Martí Moreno. In his speech, Mr. Cremades thanked the recognition and invited all attendees to travel to Barranquilla to attend the World Law Congress Colombia 2021, which will take place on the 2nd and 3rd of December, 2021, involving “the celebration of the Rule of Law”.

The congress, which has become the largest international legal event, celebrates its 27th edition this year, under the name “Rule of Law: development for nations”. It will bring together more than 250 panelists who will pay tribute to Colombian democracy, which will be awarded with the World Peace & Liberty Award, being the first time that this recognition is awarded collectively.

The more than 35 roundtables will focus on current issues such as artificial intelligence, climate change and the role of women in law. Ultimately, the program will focus on promoting the rule of law as an instrument for the development of nations, offering a comprehensive vision of current issues that concern humanity and on which the world of law and justice must respond.

You can consult the program, as well as make the attendance registration by accessing the website through this link:

Barranquilla will become the world law capital with the celebration of the World Law Congress Colombia 2021

The World Jurist Association (WJA) has presented, along with the Ministry of Justice and Law of Colombia, and the Mayor’s Office of Barranquilla, the World Law Congress Colombia 2021 that will be held on December 2 and 3 at the Puerta de Oro Centre, in Barranquilla. Thus, La Arenosa will become the world law capital during the two days that the congress takes place, where heads of State are summoned, such as Iván Duque and Felipe VI, King of Spain, presidents and judges of high and international courts, general prosecutors and representatives of international organizations; as well as academics, lawyers, businessmen, human rights activists and law students from all continents.


The program will focus on promoting the rule of law as an instrument for the development of nations, offering a comprehensive vision of current issues that concern humanity and on which the law and justice world must respond. Among the aspects to be debated are the analysis of the responses of the States to the pandemic, cybersecurity and digitization, judicial independence and the current migratory crises, among others. The more than 35 Round tables that will make up the content of the congress will integrate the vision of notorious jurists, businessmen, representatives of Colombian and international institutions, communicators and students, who support the sustainable development of humanity, and coexistence in democracy and freedom. 


During the second day, the World Peace & Liberty Award will be granted to the Colombian civil society and democracy, the longest in Latin America, for their defense, strengthening and promotion of Rule of Law over vicissitudes, and will have the participation of the President of Colombia, Iván Duque Márquez, King Felipe VI of Spain and the former presidents of Colombia Álvaro Uribe Velez, Ernesto Samper, and Andrés Pastrana, who have confirmed their attendance. In the 2020 edition, this award, considered the Nobel Prize for Law, was awarded to the recently deceased Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and in previous editions to personalities such as Sir Winston Churchill, René Cassin, Nelson Mandela and King Felipe VI of Spain. An award that all of them have received for their indisputable commitment to the rule of law and the defense of democracy and freedom.


The president of the WJA, Javier Cremades, has recognized that “we chose Colombia as host to this congress because, despite the difficulties it has faced, Colombian society has always supported living in democracy and, furthermore, the country has become the perfect setting coinciding with the 30th anniversary of the Colombian constitution and the 200th anniversary of the constitution of Cucuta”. Mr. Cremades has invited Colombian lawyers, academics, businessmen, and law students from around the world “to attend this extraordinary event that is coming to Colombia for the first time.”


Along these lines, the Minister of Justice and Law, Wilson Ruiz Orejuela, has mentioned that “for the National Government this designation is a tribute and recognition to the daily and tireless efforts made by the State and the Colombian people, strengthening the principles of the Social State of Law and guaranteeing the freedom of citizens, order and peace within the framework of the democratic system that governs us”.


For her part, María Eugenia Gay, president of the Spanish chapter of the WJA, has ensured that the exchange of ideas, reflective analysis and the practice of a constructive dialogue shielding us from prejudices and polarization, constitute today a virtue that we must procure; the World Law Congress being, precisely, an opportunity for understanding that brings together the most prominent personalities from the world of Law, Politics and Diplomacy.


Finally, the mayor of Barranquilla, Jaime Pumarejo Heins, stressed that “Barranquilla will be the world epicenter of Law, a setting where the conversation about democracy and peace is re-established through the rule of law, protecting those who do not use their strength and power of communication to prevail. From here, important points will be debated on the preservation of freedom and how to face the challenge of continuing to build solid democracies that are increasingly in tune with the needs of today’s world. We celebrate this vote of confidence in the city and the country, and for that we have been preparing in recent years, which will also generate employment, opportunities and quality of life for Barranquilla residents within the framework of the successful process of economic reactivation that we currently lead at the national level ”.


The presentation of the congress has been covered in different media and you can here see what has been said about the most important legal event at an international level:



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You can consult the program and make the attendance record by accessing through this link:

King Felipe VI presides over the international tribute to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

King Felipe VI has highlighted Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s “example of service to the rule of law and the values ​​of freedom and equality that are inherent to it.” And added “her firm defense of the Constitution as the supreme norm, her constant attention to its proper interpretation, was always linked to her conviction that the Constitution also performs a fundamental political function: to be a true instrument of social integration, an inclusive framework, in which society is reflected, in which political pluralism is guaranteed, and in which hope for a better future is preserved”. His Majesty King Felipe VI believes, as Ginsburg did, “that only by attending to the legal and political meanings of the Constitution can the ultimate goals it pursues be achieved: citizen coexistence in peace, justice and freedom, and where Human Rights are respected with the upmost dignity and efficiency”.

Regarding His Majesty King Felipe VI, Javier Cremades, president of the World Jurist Association (WJA) and the World Law Foundation (WLF), has recognized that “he has given and continues to give an admirable example of what a true constitutional king should be, committed with the Constitution and proper functioning of our democratic system and with faithful performance of his crucial role as king of a parliamentary monarchy”.

These statements took place during the Madrid Opening Session organized by the World Jurist Association and the World Law Foundation. An international meeting of jurists that counted with the presence of the world’s legal elite and that served as prelude to the celebration of the World Law Congress Colombia 2021, which will be held on December 2 and 3, and as a continuation of the previous sessions that have been taking place since last July. Two sessions, spread over two days, which included the International Tribute to Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the international summit of Presidents.

In this session, Iván Duque, president of Colombia, also intervened, who telematically recognized that Colombia “is a state that protects human rights and that ensures protection, that seeks the objectivity of the law so that it is what defines the borders which no one can trample over the rights of others”. And insisted that “we must be able to understand the clamor of society when it seeks to claim rights and insist that these must be linked to the concept of peace.”

The event was attended by José Luis Martínez Almeida, mayor of Madrid, who praised the figure of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, whom he described as “a giant of the law and the defense of gender equality.” He also stressed that “the legal norm and the law must govern and enable that desire that all democracies have for those who think differently to live together in common”. For her part, María Teresa Fernández de la Vega, president of the Council of State, has praised the figure of Ginsburg, of whom she said that “she put her talent and intelligence at the service of a cause to which she dedicated her entire life: gender equality, and she did it with the law as her only tool”.

Patricia Lee Refo, president of the American Bar Association, celebrated these days in which “we gather to celebrate the attendance of legal heroes and face the challenges of justice and the rule of law, in addition to encouraging each other to fight for equitable justice”. José María Alonso, dean of the Madrid Bar Association, has also recognized the role of the president of the World Jurist Association “for having promoted the Spain Brand through the legal profession.”

As part of the international tribute to the late US Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the round table “Mother, jurist and myth: I met Ruth Bader Ginsburg” was held, which was attended by Jane Ginsburg, Professor of Law at Columbia University and daughter of the honoree, who highlighted the relevance of the medals of honor, hoping that “the presentation and recognition of the exceptional cases of the eight winners will contribute to the equality of the legal profession and also in others . Jane Ginsburg has assured, as her mother did, that “legislation does not always advance until society does”.

The round table “Equality and the rule of law: contributions from international tribunals” was also convened, being the panel that has brought together, for the first time in history, representatives of the most important supranational courts in the world. 

In his closing speech, Javier Cremades expressed his desire for “these days to serve as encouragement to those who fight every day to achieve justice and peace through law, and allow progress with efficiency, speed and intelligence in the understanding of the great transformations, challenges and opportunities posed by society”.


Barranquilla will host the World Law Congress Colombia 2021

The International Summit on the Rule of Law held on July 6 at Casa de América with occasion of the Opening Session Madrid, organized by the World Jurist Association (WJA) and the World Law Foundation (WLF), has been the stage for the official presentation of the World Law Congress Colombia 2021.


The Congress will be held on December 2 and 3 in Barranquilla after reaching an agreement between both entities. The signing of the agreement was made effective with the joint signature of Javier Cremades, president of the WJA, and Jaime Pumarejo Heins, Mayor of Barranquilla. Pumarejo has described the host city as “welcoming, seeking reconciliation and understanding of its capacity to move forward.” He has acknowledged receiving the celebration of the World Congress of Law with “enormous illusion”, which, he states, “celebrates our democracy and our constitution.”


For his part, Luis Guillermo Plata, Colombian ambassador to Spain,  has assured “ to be a country that has orchestrated change in recent years and will respond well to the development of the Congress”. The country’s Minister of Justice, Wilson Ruiz Orejuela, president of the Organizing Committee in Colombia for this event, described the Congress as “a great challenge to which we will give the best of ourselves by making the participants’ stay the best”, and he recalled that the policy of Iván Duque, president of Colombia, “is that of a social state respectful of the law.”


Witness of the agreement reached, Arancha González Laya, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain, has dedicated her speech to talk about the rule of law, institutions, and democracy, which she said are “the basis on which our countries are settled”. In this regard, she has specified that “we must be humble and recognize that these are only solid if we solidify them, and this is a responsibility that resides in the community that this Congress represents, because the builders of the rule of law are, in first place, us jurists”. Regarding the congress to be hosted by the city of Barranquilla in December, Laya has highlighted three ideas that she believes should be addressed: technology, gender equality and climate change.

International Summit on the Rule of Law

This second day of the Opening Session Madrid brought together presidents of supreme and constitutional courts from different countries, and prominent international jurists, who have debated current issues in different discussion panels: “Regulations related to COVID and its effect on citizens”, “5G: privacy and cybersecurity”, “The independence of the judiciary in Europe and America”, “The rule of law in Mexico”, “The evolution of the role of women in justice in the XXI century” and, finally, the Eisenhower Fellowships association presenting the First Amendment Award 2021.


The closing ceremony was carried out by Viviane Reding, vice president of the World Law Foundation, who was accompanied by Juan José González Rivas, President of the Constitutional Court of Spain, Juan Carlos Campo, Minister of Justice, Victoria Ortega Benito, president of the General Council of Spanish Lawyers, and Lucio Ghia, president of the WJA between 1995 and 1997, among others.