Author: World Jurist Admin

Sorrow in Barcelona, Spain

Dear members,

Due to the heartbreaking recent events in Las Ramblas, Barcelona, Spain, our Executive Vice President, Ramón Soler-Padró Canela, wants to thank all your demonstrations of solidarity and affection. We would like to inform you that he and his loved ones are in perfect health, although obviously frightened. Unfortunately, owing to the threat of subsequent attacks, he remains inside his residence as it is close to the area of the attack.

Such terrorist acts are, and will always be, repudiated by our organization. Likewise, we must be aware that our fight for peace and justice must gain more force in the face of injustice and the illegality of terrorism. In World Jurist Association, we must continue working for our great values and main objective, Pax Obi Ex Jure.

On behalf of the organization I preside, may the people of Barcelona receive our words of solidarity and blesses in these hours of pain and anguish.



Franklin Hoet Linares


World Jurist Association

Amendments of the Bylaws – Charter and Bylaws Committee – Call to Membership

Fellow Members of the World Jurist Association,

charter and bylaws committee

The Charter and Bylaws Committee, appointed on 3 July if this year, consisting of three members, all nominated by the board of governors, have revised and approved the proposal attached to this email to reform the structure of the World Jurist Association’s Bylaws.


Members of this Committee are:


Dr. Ben Griffith – Legal Counsel

Dr. Ved Nanda – President of the World Association of Law Professors

Mr. Ramon Soler-Padró Canela – Executive Vice President


The aim of such revision and reform of the bylaws responds to the need of giving better representation to different regions and the National chapters that integrate them in our organization. The target is based on the possibility to hold every year a major event for the World Jurist Association in a different region of the world. To achieve such purpose the many national chapters will be able to gather in Regional Forums:


Asia (Brunei, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, North Korea, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam)

Australia – Pacific (Australia, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, New Zealand, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu)

Middle East  (Bahrain, Cyprus, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey and United Arab Emirates)


Europe (Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark,  Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg,  Macedonia (FYROM), Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom (UK) and Vatican City)


Northern Africa (Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morrocco, Tunis and Western Sahara)


Southern Africa (Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, Ruanda, Burundi, Chad, Camerun, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan, Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabue, Benin, Burkina Faso, Camerun, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire,  Ecuatorial Guinea, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bisau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Sudan)

Latin America (Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Falkland Islands, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela)

The Caribbean (Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, French Guiana, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Lucia, Saint vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Aruba and Curaçao, Bonaire, Bermuda, Saint Martin and Bes Islands)


East of North America (Eastern Canada, Northern Central US, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, North East Region US and South East Region US)


West of North America and Alaska (Western Canada, Alaska, South West Region US, Central South US and North West Region US)



Thus, every national chapter should gather in  Regional Forums, and each regional forum should appoint a President of the Forum. Each President of the Forum will be a member at the Inter Regional Directory, being appointed president of this modality the president of the regional Forum with a proposal for a conference or Congress that takes place in the range of five years and only within the limits of his or her chapter or regional Form. Vice President of this modality can also come with plans for a future international event and thus become president after the first two years of Rotary international presidencies have concluded, and a major event has been held by his or her inter-regional directories. This supra regional modality is thought to bring neighboring regions together with the aim of creating bonds of fraternity between their different countries and facilitating an atmosphere of international cooperation.


On the other hand they would have more autonomy to generate and use the funds raised by themselves (special foundations created by Regional Forums or National Chapters, with legal personality).


The list of Inter Regional Directories is the following:


North America

East of North America

West of North America and Alaska


Latin America & the Caribbean

Latin America

The Caribbean



Southern Africa

Northern Africa


Europe & Middle east


Middle East


Asia, Australia & Pacific


Australia & Pacific



All five Inter Regional Directories will gather in the Global Council of Presidents (GCP). Presidencies to this council will rotate every year depending on which President is responsible of holding the major event for the corresponding year. After the first two years of Presidencies are finished, the three presidents that have already carried out their event, may appoint there vice president as new president of the Inter Regional Directory and thus member of the Council of Presidents for the rest of the term.


The role of the Legal Counsel has also been revised by the Charter and Bylaws Committee so that he or she will be appointed amongst WJA senior members in good standing that are registered under any bar association of a US state.

If there was to be a law firm, member in good standing of the association with interest to present a candidate to this position, and the Legal Counsel seat was to be vacant, the candidacy could be evaluated and voted by the Council of Presidents.


We would like to give the opportunity to all our members to give us their feedback on these amendments so the Committee can adjust the approved proposal.


Please address your comments to


Kind regards

Ramon Soler-Padró Canela – Executive Vice President of the World Jurist Asociation

President of the WJA and President of the U.S. Chapter participated in the International Trademark Association (INTA)

On June 7, 2017, Franklin Hoet-Linares, President of the WJA, and Sorell Negro, President of the U.S. Chapter of the WJA, participated in a meeting of the International Trademark Association (INTA) in Aruba.  The purpose of the meeting was to discuss trade of counterfeit goods in the Caribbean and anti-counterfeiting efforts.  The meeting was well-attended by government officials including customs officials and law enforcement agents across the Caribbean, as well as industry representatives including from Proctor & Gamble, Philip Morris, and Puma.  The WJA is proud and delighted to announce that it is moving forward with a formal anti-counterfeiting effort in the Caribbean, working with INTA, government officials, and industry representatives to assist with training of customs officials, dissemination of best practices, and other efforts to reduce and eliminate counterfeiting of products and other illegal trade activities.

Invitation to Crytocurrencies Conference in Gibraltar on May 9th

The World Jurist Association gladly informs our members of an upcoming event held by our friends at the Digital Currency Summit. The event titled, ¨Cryptocurrencies: Defining Future Regulation”, will be held on May 9th at the University of Gibraltar. The day´s affairs will include presentations from both a legal and economic perspective. The various speakers will explore the framework and potentiality of the application of distributed ledger technology in terms of future regulation and the distribution of goods.

Our members were kindly offered a discount if they wish to attend the event. If interested, please contact the World Jurist Association via email for more information and for the discount code.

United Nations Side Event Blockchain: A Highway to Deliberative Democracy

On February 10th, the World Jurist Association participated in the 55th Commission for Social Development held by the UN. The overarching theme of the Commission was the potential efforts that would help to ensure sustainable development in hopes of eradicating global poverty. To continue this discussion of sustainable development, the World Jurist Association organized a side event, titled Blockchain: A Highway to a Deliberative Democracy, moderated by our Executive Vice President, Mr. Ramon Soler-Padró Canela and Mr. Alex Puig, founder of the Digital Currency Summit.

A host of experts ranging from the fields of law, philosophy, economics and technology spoke on the subjects of Blockchain and Deliberative Democracy. The list of these speakers include Mr. Alexander Löw, Germany Chapter President of the World Jurist Association, Ms. Sandra Ro, from CME Group with an expertise in Digitization, Dr. Jose Luís Martí, a Laurance S. Rockefeller Fellow of the University Center for Human Values of Princeton University and Professor of Law Philosophy at University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Mr. Juan Llanos, Executive and Advisor of Blockchain, Fintech, and Compliance, Ms. Amber Baldet, Blockchain Program Lead at J.P. Morgan, Mr. Joseph Lubin, founder of Consensys, along with his coworker, Mr. Sam Cassett, the Chief Strategy Officer at Consensys. The presentations explored how the innovative technology of blockchains  and this conception of democracy, which includes the participation and deliberation of a larger number of actors from the social and economic scene, can assist states in order to enhance transparency. This transparency is especially pertinent in regards to the distribution of wealth and public services amongst a population.

Alex Low UN Side EventSandra Ro UN Side EventJose Luis Marti UN Side EventJuan Llanos UN Side EventAmber Baldet UN Side EventJoseph Lubin UN Side EventSam Cassett UN Side EventAlex Puig UN Side Event

The results of implementing Deliberative Governance (Democracy) supported by the Blockchain technology should be used to monitor how Member States are complying with the Social Development Goals, receiving the information directly from the source, these being the network piers that are tracking development in areas where the implementation of the SDGs are the most needed.


Featured above are as follows: Mr. Alexander Löw, Germany Chapter President, Mr. Ramon Soler-Padró Canela, Executive Vice President, Mr. Franklin Hoet-Linares, President of the World Jurist Association, Mrs. Kim Quarles, First Vice President, and Mr. Arístides Fernández Zucco, Third Vice President.

The Board of Governors Select Virginia Cervieri as New National President for Uruguay Chapter

The Board of Governors has decided to select Ms. Virginia Cervieri as the New President of the World Jurist Association Uruguay Chapter. Ms. Cervieri is the Founding partner of Cervieri Monsuárez & Associates (Uruguay/Paraguay/Bolivia), a law firm specialized in Intellectual Property and Commercial Law, Trademarks, Patents and Trademark Enforcement, and Anti-Counterfeiting matters. The World Jurist Association is proud to now have Ms. Cervieri represent the organization due to her expertise and integrity.

Ms. Cervieri graduated as an attorney in 1996 from the Universidad de la República  in Uruguay. She later specialized in Commercial Law and also holds a Masters degree from the same university in Intellectual Property and Intellectual Property Rights. Ms. Cervieri has extensive experience in litigating and working with the Uruguayan Customs to prevent the importation and transit of counterfeited goods. She is a member of multiple organizations including MARQUES and IACC, as well as the active vice chair of the Anticounterfeiting Committee of INTA. In addition, she serves as President of the Uruguayan Chamber against Forgery and Piracy. She is also author of the book “Counterfeiting in Uruguay” and a variety of articles related to Industrial Property.

Ms. Cervieri has been the recipient of prestigious recognition. She was named by Chambers & Partners as one of the Leading Individuals in Uruguay for six consecutive years, including 2016. She was also named as the best professional in trademark services for Uruguay in the publication WTR 1000 – Gold Category.